The Walking Dead: Woodbury Is Waiting – 1 day left

The WoodburyIsWaiting promotion could be coming to an end as soon as tomorrow.  All the phone calls, websites, and social media posts seem to be leading up to tomorrow’s announcement.  So, let’s discuss what went down today to prepare for tomorrow.

The phone rang at 1:16 pm today with another message from the authorities.  While others sounded bleak, this one sounded absolute.  Here is that call from my YouTube account:

I got my confirmation code of “zero zero four zero zebra viper falcon.” 0040ZVF.  All field units were told that “Blacklight” is go.  No location reports are available and status is pending.  When you call the number today, you get what sounds to be the same message as the call that was placed to me.

While all that is still really up in the air and confusing, things are heating up.  Three posts were made regarding this strange and fun promotion for The Walking Dead.  Here was the first post from the WoodburyIsWaiting Twitter account today:

This shows exactly what was being talked about in the phone call.  Communications are down across the grid.  Even more disturbing is the simulated broken glass that is over the screen, making it appear as though something bad happened at the center that was giving us the information.  In addition, this is the information that is given when you visit

The second tweet went back to the countdown, where there is only one day remaining.  Here was that tweet:

The third tweet from WoodburyIsWaiting seems like just a reminder that something big is likely happening tomorrow:

Tomorrow should bring some big news WoodburyIsWaiting.  We’ll be keeping you up to date on whatever the announcement or next step will bring.  Until then, we’ll have to keep wondering what is going on and what the future will bring for The Walking Dead.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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