The Walking Dead: Melissa McBride loves fan excitement

Carol Peletier, The Walking Dead - AMC
Carol Peletier, The Walking Dead - AMC /

They get so excited and I love that. I love seeing them lose their minds trying to figure out what to do with themselves until the next episode.

Season 6 of

The Walking Dead

starts tomorrow (Sunday) on AMC. Fans have been waiting not so patiently since the end of March, trying to enjoy their summer, but also asking, “Is it October yet?” about every other day.

There have been daily countdowns on Twitter since the days were in the hundreds. Sometimes, for fun there are hour countdowns, thank you Internet apps!

Carol Peletier, The Walking Dead - AMC
Carol Peletier, The Walking Dead – AMC /

Yes, fans of The Walking Dead are a slightly obsessive bunch. The word rabid has been used by many a reporter when interviewing stars of the show asking about how they like or deal with the shows fans. The Calgary Herald reported that Melissa McBride checks Twitter to see what fans have to say.

"“They get so excited and I love that. I love seeing them lose their minds trying to figure out what to do with themselves until the next episode.”"

Melissa also made an interesting comparison that applies to the people and the walkers and also the feeling of friendship on social media. Power in numbers. It’s fun to know there are others out there who share your obsession. We share pictures and articles. We retweet things from the actors and watch the marathons together.

"“There is power in numbers,” she says. “And as you get more people in your group, the more dangerous you become, just like the walkers. They are like gnats. By themselves, they are like pests. Now, with these herds … with numbers like that you can get overwhelmed. It’s very dangerous.”"

They are more dangerous with the numbers and there’s safety in numbers. We are safe with other fans and we are a dangerous force! Don’t mess with a Walking Dead fan! And don’t talk on Sunday nights! October is finally here and Sundays belong to the dead!

Next: Kirkman says big cliffhangers every episode of season 6

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