Fear The Walking Dead season 2: An adventure at sea?

Fear The Walking Dead - AMC
Fear The Walking Dead - AMC /

Fear The Walking Dead‘s six episodes gave us a little taste of what life was like before Rick Grimes woke up from his coma.  Now that the undead are showing up in a big way on the program, there are some concerns that the program will quickly become too similar to AMC’s zombie survival hit, The Walking Dead.

However, fans of The Walking Dead should know by now that before things can get too stale, the showrunners have a tendency to change things up.  That’s exactly what will happen on Fear The Walking Dead, as we’re going to see something that we haven’t seen yet during the zombie apocalypse:  life at sea.

At New York Comic Con, Robert Kirkman, the creator of The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead, spoke about the upcoming time afloat for the survivors on Fear The Walking Dead.  Here is what he said according to IGN.

"“There’s definitely some zombie water action coming up,” Kirkman said. “Maybe you’ll see the Walking Dead cruise come passing by”"

Robert Kirkman, Talking Dead - AMC
Robert Kirkman, Talking Dead – AMC /

Of course, Kirkman is joking about The Walking Dead Cruise, which is actually a real thing that sets sail in January.  However, he is not kidding that we’ll see some really interesting adventures with the survivors during Fear The Walking Dead’s second season.

Even though there will be some time on a boat, that doesn’t mane that the entire season will take place there.  You have to think that even on a boat the survivors will need to get supplies and food just as people do when surviving on land.

"“Just because it takes place on the boat doesn’t mean they’ll be on the boat all the time. It will be a seafaring adventure.”"

Let’s just hope that none of the actors or characters for Fear The Walking Dead‘s second season get seasick easily.

Next: The Walking Dead's 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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