Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462 – Part 4 [VIDEO]

Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462 - AMC
Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462 - AMC /

Once again, Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462’s weekly installment was released on the AMC App before it aired during Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead.  This is the fourth installment in the series, which will have one of the characters end up being a part of Fear The Walking Dead’s second season when it airs on AMC in 2016.  Just to catch you up, here is what has happened so far:

There is a flight that is headed to Phoenix where the people on board are very nervous about the delays that are happening.  A young man was traveling alone after a seat opened up for only one person.  His mother stayed behind and father was due to pick him up when the plane landed.  He was texting his mom on the phone before all communications cut out his phone lost signal.  A woman is paying close attention to him while there are quite a few people on the plane look as though they are sick or acting as security, as well as a somewhat scary looking flight attendant.

Here is what happened in the fourth episode thanks once again to Janet Weber on YouTube:

During this installment of Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462, a man sitting across the aisle from the young man appears to be very sick and gets up from his seat to sprint to the restroom.  Everyone, including the woman who has been keeping an eye on everything, watch him as he enters the airplane’s lavatory.  The woman who has the seat next to the man explains to everyone that he is just having a case of “reflux”.  The observant woman questions her, asking her how long her husband has been sick.  His wife replies that he isn’t, and that it’s just reflux.  She replies by saying that it didn’t seem like indigestion, to which the wife tells her to mind her own business.  The young man asks the woman if she thinks it is the flu that has been going around.  She ignores his question and sits back down in her seat.

And that’s this installment of Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462.  You can watch it again during this week’s 90-minute supersized edition of The Walking Dead on AMC.

Next: The Walking Dead's 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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