The Walking Dead: 2015’s Top Tweeted about show

All Clear Balloons, The Walking Dead -- AMC
All Clear Balloons, The Walking Dead -- AMC /

Fans don’t just watch and love AMC’s zombie drama, The Walking Dead, they Tweet about it. A lot.

Fans of The Walking Dead are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all the time. We talk about the show, post photos, memes, articles, trivia, everything you can imagine. We also live Tweet during the episodes. Even the cast and the walkers live Tweet.

Now we have confirmation that we are big live Tweeters. According to Nielson, AMC’s The Walking Dead is the number one Tweeted show on television. The Grammys and The Super Bowl topped the single events for sports and specials.

Read more: The appeal of the marathon.

ABC’s The Bachelor came in number two followed by HBO’s Game of Thrones, The Bachelorette, and Fox’s Empire. The list for 2015 measures data from January 1, 2015 through November 30, 2015. Tweets are counted from 3 hours prior to the show through 3 hours after the show.

I’m not sure if they use the hashtags or keywords, to find the Tweets to count, but I’m quite sure our tweets from Undead Walking are counted in the live Tweet numbers. We Tweet before, during and after the show every week. Well, we Tweet pretty much all day every day except for when I sleep.

More from Undead Walking

The average number of Tweets, according to Nielson, is 424,000 for The Walking Dead and 156,000 for The Bachelor.  The number of unique authors for The Walking Dead is 153,000, just 73,000 for The Bachelor. So it seems The Walking Dead is out-running the walker herd of the shows behind it! We’re big Tweeters!

If you’ve never live Tweeted before, you might give it a try. Check out the hashtags #twd or #thewalkingdead during the commercials of the show or after the show. Live Tweeting a marathon is a great time, too! It’s a great place to make Twitter friends and marathon Tweets are really funny and creative!