McFarlane Toys has released photos of the fully painted prototypes of the AMC’s The Walking Dead TV Series 9 action figures set for February release.
A few months ago, we got our first glimpse of the Series 9 figures so we knew who to expect around Valentine’s day and the midseason premiere after being excited about the October Series 8 figures for the season 6 premiere back then. We do plan our lives around The Walking Dead season and action figure release dates, right?
The fully painted prototypes have now had their photo shoot and are on display online at We have Beth, Michonne, Daryl, T-dog, Dale and a walker.
Read more: A Valentine’s Day Massacre?
Beth: Beth in her yellow polo top, sweater, jeans and boots that she wore on the road to Terminus and in Daryl’s arms after the failed attempt to rescue her from Grady Memorial.

Daryl: Daryl from the prison, digging graves for those dead from the flu. Daryl comes with a grave, a shovel and a bandana to protect himself from flu germs.

T-dog. Theodore Douglas in riot gear. One of the nostalgia figures. T-dog was an original survivor. He made it to the prison where he was bitten and used himself to distract the walkers to allow Carol to escape.
Dale. Another nostalgia figure. Dale, like T-dog, was an original survivor. Dale didn’t make it to the prison though. He never made it off the farm. A walker got him and Daryl helped him not to suffer while he waited for death to take him and so he wouldn’t turn.

Michonne. Not katana wielding Michonne, but uniform-wearing Constable of Alexandria Michonne. Deanna’s way of having Michonne take care of the people, including Rick.

Water walker. Photos and scans of actors Stephen Vining, Alex Axt, Chris Harrelson and Eric Carboni were used with make up by artists Kevin Wasner and Garret Immel to create an authentic wet walker from the flooded food pantry in season 5 where Bob was bitten.

All photos courtesy of McFarlane. Figures are expected in February. Amazon has them listed for preorder. Suggested price on the McFarlane site is $15.99 each. Amazon lists the set of 5 at $82.67 ($2.67 above suggested price). Individual figures are priced now on Amazon at $24.99, but usually come down closer to release date. Toy Wiz has them for preorder at good prices!