The Walking Dead: Most memorable walkers, number 18

Farm fire. The Walking Dead. AMC
Farm fire. The Walking Dead. AMC /

Our readers have chosen their top 20 most memorable walkers from AMC’S The Walking Dead.  Here are  the walkers who landed in the number 18 position.

Number 18 has several different walkers in a big tie. We have the walkers at the barn fire, the Cherokee rose walker (Stephen Vining), the tree walker outside the prison, the W walker tied to the tree and the kidnapped walker (Katie Lumpkin) in the trunk of the car.

The herd was part of an emotional turning point of an entire season. The other walkers we’re each small emotional moments in their episodes. All were quite memorable in look and in impact.

Read more: Number 19

Read more: Count down from number 20!

Farm Herd

Farm fire walkers. The Walking Dead. AMC
Farm fire walkers. The Walking Dead. AMC /

The herd at the farm was the first big herd we’d seen since the parade on the highway when we lost Sophia. Now we were being overrun and pushed out of the home we’d know for an entire season. And right after Shane and Rick fought, Shane turned and Carl shot him. Carl lit the barn on fire and created walkers flambés.

Cherokee Rose Walker

The Cherokee rose story was told while the group was still looking for Sophia. Daryl was trying to give Carol some hope that Sophia was still alive. The Cherokee rose came back in season 6 when Daryl needed some strength to survive his kidnapping by Dwight and his pals.

Stephen Vining. Cherokee rose walker. The Walking Dead - AMC
Stephen Vining. Cherokee rose walker. The Walking Dead – AMC /

It wasn’t just a Cherokee rose though. The rose had grown onto a walker along with moss and other things making the walker look like he was the flower growing out of the ground. It was a sign nonetheless and Daryl mustered the strength to deal with the strangers. Even though he got his motorcycle and crossbow stolen, he managed to commandeer a truck from Patty and a walker and get to Sasha and Abraham.

Tree Walker by the Prison

twd-s04e03-3 /

Another tree walker was outside the prison when Hershel and Carl went outside together to search for elderberries for tea to help the flu-stricken. This walker was memorable in the pity and sadness that he inspired. He was unable to go anywhere. He was really just a top half lying by a tree and had essentially become part of the tree.

Two more sad walkers were women that had horrible things happen to them before they became walkers.

W Girl

W woman tied to tree. The Walking Dead. AMC
W woman tied to tree. The Walking Dead. AMC /

Daryl and Aaron were out recruiting and while near the blender house, Daryl found a naked woman who had been tortured and tied to a tree. Ironically,  before Carol knew about the Wolves and neither did we. I don’t think she was telling Wolf stories to Sam.

When Daryl lifted the woman’s head, we saw the W on her forehead, at that time we were still guessing about the Wolves Not Far connection and hadn’t seen Morgan’s Wolves yet. This walker along with Noah’s mom and the torsos in Shirewilt Estates let us know these W people weren’t anything to be taken lightly.

Kidnapped Walker

Walker - The Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Walker – The Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 9 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

On the road to Washington after losing Beth and Tyreese, and before finding Aaron and Alexandria, things were getting tough for everyone. Maggie found a woman walker in the trunk of a car. She shut the trunk. Glenn took care of the walker, but this walker as sad as she is almost represents a PTSD unlived.

Next: Number 17

What did she suffer? How long did she suffer? But she didn’t survive to have to deal with the impact of her suffering. As a walker, it looks like she did, but she didn’t.  Our people survived. They are suffering now. They are suffering her PTSD for her.

Small emotional moments and one big herd on fire take position number 18 in memorable walkers from AMC’S The Walking Dead.