The Walking Dead: Apocalypse scheduled for midseason premiere

burnt zombies,The Walking Dead, AMC
burnt zombies,The Walking Dead, AMC /

The Walking Dead’s midseason premiere for season 6 might be in trouble if the promise of the apocalypse from a woman in Ghostbusters 2 comes to fruition.

Dealing with the dead has the topic of many great movies and television shows in history. Whether it is ghosts, vampires, zombies or other monsters, the undead can be presented in many ways.

On February 14, 2016, AMC’s The Walking Dead will return for the second half of season 6. Many people might have a challenge with this, as Valentine’s Day could make it difficult for some to tune in to a show about zombies, but what if that were only the smallest problem that the record breaking television show faces that day.

According to a popular movie, that date could mark the end of the world. Here is a video of that revelation from eryk belmont’s YouTube account:

The clip above is from the hit comedy movie Ghostbusters 2, starring Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, Rick Moranis, and Sigourney Weaver. Following the dissolving of their business, the members of the Ghostbusters went their own way and got “normal” jobs. One of the jobs that was taken was host of a talk show, which was filled by Bill Murray’s character of Peter Venkman.

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During his show, he asks a woman named Elaine who claims to be psychic about a date that she feels very strongly about. Here is how she answered:

"“According to my source, the end of the world will be on February 14th in the year 2016.”"

Without missing a beat, Venkman replied by saying the following:

"“Valentine’s Day. Bummer.”"

Now, don’t go taking this seriously. Of course it’s just a scripted line from a movie that was released in 1989, but the Ghostbusters films hold a special place in the hearts of many people all around the world. And the coincidence that The Walking Dead comes back on the same date that an apocalypse is prophesied is very fun to think about.

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Don’t miss AMC’s The Walking Dead when it returns to AMC on February 14. 2016. Also, watch for the new Ghostbusters film starring Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, and Chris Hemsworth which is scheduled for release nationwide on July 15, 2016.