The Walking Dead: Viewing parties with the walkers and crew

Walkers. The Walking Dead - AMC
Walkers. The Walking Dead - AMC /

On Valentine’s day, Alexandria won’t be the only place with herds of walkers. There will be viewing parties in a few bars in Atlanta where some walker actors and crew members will gather with fans to enjoy the premiere together.

Local haunts Deisel and The Graveyard Tavern are hosting viewing parties for The Walking Dead midseason premiere. The Deisel Filling Station at 870 N Highland Ave NE Atlanta, Georgia 30306 is hosting a Zombie Prom from 5-10 p.m.

Come dressed for prom and they will name a Zombie King and Queen at 8:30 pm. The prom will be beautiful with candles and black rose decorations and a bloody red carpet entrance. Zombie make up is encouraged, but not required.

Ballots for voting for king and queen and raffles can be purchased with canned food donations. A Hershel-inspired spaghetti and meatballs looks to be the special on the menu.

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The Graveyard Tavern at 1245 Glenwood Ave SE Atlanta, Georgia 30316 is hosting a viewing party as well with one of our walker friends at Undead Walking, Chris Harrelson, from 6 p.m to midnight.

The Graveyard party includes walkers, trivia, prize drawings, and, of course, the main event, The Walking Dead midseason premiere, on multiple screens and giant HD projection screens.

I may have the exciting experience of attending the event at The Graveyard since my brother is a business person who travels a lot and may be setting me up with frequent flyer miles and hotel points for this event!

I’ll be sure to take pictures and write about the event. But don’t worry, walkers, I’m professional, our conversations will be off the record! Hee hee.

More from Undead Walking

If you’re in the Atlanta area and you want to spend the night out, consider one of these great venues for a viewing party and meet some walkers and behind-the-scenes crew from The Walking Dead!

If not, I’m sure any plans you have will be exciting because they will include AMC and our zombie apocalypse family. I think this might be the first time I will be watching with other people without a blanket and comfy clothes. It might be the first time ever that I watch with shoes on!

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Happy Valentine’s day!