The Walking Dead season 6: The poisoned pickles theory

Enid and Maggie Greene - The Walking Dead, AMC
Enid and Maggie Greene - The Walking Dead, AMC

One theory swimming around the internet is that the pickles eaten by Maggie Greene in the season 6 finale of AMC’s The Walking Dead were poisoned by Enid.

People never seem to trust Enid on The Walking Dead. Fans know the backstory of the character, with her parents being devoured by walkers as she watched on and her need to eat a turtle to survive. However, there is still a large group of fans out there that think the character played by Katelyn Nacon isn’t who she seems.

Recently, she’s given fans a lot of reason to trust her. She tossed Glenn a water, helped him reunite with Maggie, and also helped pick up extra tasks around Alexandria, but that still hasn’t been able to shake the fans feelings toward her.

At first, people were wondering if she was the tv version of The Walking Dead comic book character Lydia, but that was debunked when her backstory was revealed. Next, folks assumed she was part of The Wolves, helping them orchestrate an assault on Alexandria that proved to go nowhere. Now, the fans are wondering if Enid is actually a part of The Saviors, and has done something truly horrible.

Maggie Greene - The Walking Dead, AMC
Maggie Greene – The Walking Dead, AMC

The theory according to and many fans all over Twitter is that Enid somehow poisoned the pickles in Alexandria in order to force the survivors to go to The Hilltop for medical attention for Maggie. That’s right. They believe Enid poisoned a pregnant woman.

First of all, what makes everyone, including the characters on the show, assume that The Hilltop will graciously be willing to help? Alexandria just fleeced Gregory’s community for half of everything they have based on a deal to eliminate The Saviors as a threat, which Rick’s group has definitely NOT accomplished. Just because The Hilltop has the facilities to help, doesn’t mean that they will.

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Next, Enid actually seems to genuinely like Maggie. She took some of her jobs so she could relax, gave her a haircut and has established that her and “Gleggie” are on good terms. What benefit would poisoning Maggie and her baby have to her, when she’s finally formed a connection with someone other than Carl? And why would this be a priority for The Saviors?

Finally, The Saviors aren’t the poisoning type. If they want someone dead, they’ll track them down, play some mind games, and smash their heads in. They aren’t going to have a teenage girl poison poison some pickles to force them to make a decision to go to The Hilltop if they didn’t know that would happen. They’re more brutal than that.

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It is time to start cutting Enid a little more slack. Sure, she has been sketchy in the past, and she might do some fishy things once in a while and feel like an outsider, but she’s still part of Alexandria. Trying to find her role in the group and actually open herself up to people, including Glenn, Maggie, and Carl is challenging for her, as she doesn’t want to worry about people anymore. Sadly, this situation with Maggie, Glenn, and Carl will have her chewing her fingernails until someone lets her out of the closet during The Walking Dead‘s seventh season.