The Walking Dead 155: Tip of the Spear comic recap

Michonne - The Walking Dead comics, Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment
Michonne - The Walking Dead comics, Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment /

Issue #155 of The Walking Dead from Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment titled Tip of the Spear was released on June 1, 2016. Here is what happened!

“Tip of the Spear” is the title of issue #155 of The Walking Dead‘s comic book series that was released on June 1, 2016. The issue from Image Comics an Skybound Entertainment continued the story of Rick’s group and the surrounding communities preparing for war against The Whisperers. Here is what happened in the issue:

Related Story: What happened in issue #154 of The Walking Dead?

Aaron is on the ground after being stabbed in the abdomen by Beta. A huge member of The Whisperers leans down to finish him off, but Michonne stops him. During the fight, Michonne cuts off his and pulls off his zombie-skin mask.

One walker closes in on the member of The Whisperers and bites his neck. Other zombies join in. Michonne turns her attention back to Aaron and protects him from the approaching walkers. However, that left her open to a big tackle from Beta, who stands over her and says that she will make a great mask.

Suddenly, gunfire pours through the scene. It’s Dwight with the soldiers he brought into the woods. He orders his men to take out the walkers and The Whisperers and for Michonne to stay down. Beta runs into the woods to get away.

Aaron and Michonne - The Walking Dead, Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment
Aaron and Michonne – The Walking Dead, Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment /

Dwight tells Michonne to get Aaron back to get medical help. Michonne agrees, but tells Dwight to hunt down Beta and finish him off. Dwight agrees. His group patched up Aaron, but he’ll need help as fast as possible, and Michonne speeds toward The Hilltop as fast as she can. A member of Dwight’s group asks him if they’re going after Beta. And Dwight says no. His job was to save Michonne and Aaron and get back safe.

Back in Alexandria, Andrea is telling Rick that the “Silence The Whisperers” graffiti has to go. Rick says that can’t happen. He needs the people to focus their anger on Alpha’s group instead of Rick’s leadership. That doesn’t calm Andrea down, as she says Rick is manipulating people to misdirect their anger.  Rick agrees, and Andrea says that he is reminding her of Negan right now. That brings Rick to tell her about Negan’s escape.

Over with The Whisperers, Negan and Alpha are getting very chatty. He continues his own blend of flirting, but it isn’t quite working on her. She wants to talk business, but his unconventional flirting lands him a punch in the mouth.

Negan - The Walking Dead, Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment
Negan – The Walking Dead, Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment /

Negan apologizes, but Beta jumps to action and offers to kill Negan if he hit her. Alpha says he’s annoying but not a threat. Beta says he understands that completely thanks to his earlier interactions with him. Quickly, Negan is held against a tree by his throat, being confronted about lying to Beta about why he was in The Whisperers territory.

Beta asks Negan why he lied. Negan explains it was because he was scared and intimidated by The Whisperers and that if they’re going to kill him that they should do it now. That piqued Alpha’s attention, as she is interested that Negan isn’t afraid of death. Still, Negan says he has a lot to offer Alpha.

In Alexandria, Siddiq is on watch. Rick asks if he’s seen Michonne, and he says no in an awkward and long-winded way. Once Rick walks away, Siddiq laments his choice of words and slaps himself in the forehead.

On the horse, Michonne tells Aaron to hold on. Faintly, he answers her and says he’s doing the best he can as his arm and hand goes limp.

Lydia and Carl Grimes - The Walking Dead, Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment
Lydia and Carl Grimes – The Walking Dead, Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment /

Back in The Hilltop, Lydia is laying in bed with Carl watching him. Carl wakes up and asks her how long she has been watching him. She jokes that it’s been all night, but then says it’s only been a couple of minutes and she’s grateful for what he has done for her and how happy he makes her. Carl gives her a smile.

Brianna is looking for a courier to Alexandria to send a message, which may just be a ploy to get Dante away for a day. But the conversation is broken up by her yelling to open the gate. It is Michonne, and she yells for Dr. Carson while she notices Aaron isn’t breathing.

In The Whisperers territory, Dwight says that they’ve gone far enough that they likely aren’t being tracked anymore. He gives orders to get to the horses as quickly as possible to get back to safety and kills zombified Brandon. A member of his group asks what the rush is, and Dwight reminds him that they are in dangerous territory and have engaged with them. And that it is an act of war.

Next: Who did Negan kill? Check out the odds here!

The Walking Dead issue #156 will be titled “Queen and King” and will be released on July 6, 2016. Hopefully, it will determine the fate of Aaron, explain more about the relationship between Negan and Alpha, and much more about the impending war between The Whisperers and the other survivors.