Norman Reedus naked and playable in Death Stranding game

Norman Reedus in Death Stranding E3 teaser
Norman Reedus in Death Stranding E3 teaser

Fans of The Walking Dead’s Daryl Dixon can play as a naked Norman Reedus in the upcoming video game Death Stranding from legendary designer Hideo Kojima.

When it was announced that Silent Hills would no longer be made, fans hoping for a playable version of The Walking Dead star Norman Reedus may have thought their hopes were dashed. However, an announced project from legendary video game designer Hideo Kojima should have fans excited again.

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At E3,a title called Death Stranding was announced that very few had any previous knowledge of. While much of the game is still a mystery, having Norman Reedus in the game is sure to turn some heads. And the teaser itself may draw more attention since the character modeled after Reedus is lacking clothing.

For those who missed the trailer during E3, here is the teaser for Death Stranding from the YouTube account of Artur Oliveira:


Set the song “I’ll Be Coming” by Low Roar, Death Stranding looks to have a similar kind of apocalyptic feel as AMC’s The Walking Dead, however, there aren’t any zombies in sight. The teaser for the game from Sony Interactive Entertainment and Kojima Productions features a handcuffed and naked video game version of Norman Reedus regaining consciousness and finding a baby with what appears to be an oil filled umbilical cord. The Reedus-looking character picks up the child and holds it to his chest, while beginning to sob.

Then, everything changes. Norman realizes he isn’t holding anything. His hands are covered in the oil-type substance and black handprints from an invisible child appear on his legs. The prints continue down his body and keep going on the sand, leading to a massive pile of dead fish. The man stands up, revealing a huge scar in the shape of a plus sign on his abdomen.

He looks around, seeing death and destruction all around him, with five objects floating in the distance as the camera zooms out on the main character.

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Right now, it’s hard to tell what kind of gameplay this Death Stranding will have, but with a great mind like Hideo Kojima at the helm and one of the most popular actors on the planet starring in it. This Norman Reedus driven game could be one to watch as more details and information becomes available.