The Walking Dead: Telltale Games are great for walker withdrawals

Whether you’re a noob, casual gamer or hardcore player a Telltale’s Walking Dead will give you the experience of being part of the series.

Have you ever yelled at or questioned a character’s choice while watching The Walking Dead or thought to yourself “I wonder what it would really be like if this was real”? Telltale Games has done an  incredible job with Walking Dead season 1, season 2, and the Michonne mini-series  games, which are downloadable to just about any device or platform.

It doesn’t matter if you are a hardcore gamer or someone who just picked up a controller or downloaded the game to your phone. To start off you play as Lee, a lone survivor with a checkered past that stumbles by  8-year-old skittish Clementine who becomes your responsibility. The seasons play through as episodes.  The gameplay is laid out in a non-confusing way for you to control your actions or make decisions.

As you move along with the story you will meet new characters and make choices. Telltale gives us several options for character development. The fun is in playing through multiple times making different choices to see where the road leads. You can try to make decisions as you would think characters on the show might make–Do you want to be a Rick, Carol, or Merle? Or can find out what choices you would make.

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The Walking Dead games from Telltale can make the breaks more tolerable and the start of a new season seem not so far away. It’s a great way to stay connected to the series and interact with a virtual zombie apocalypse. With the new Michonne series out, it’s a treat to be able to play as a such a strong character in both the comics and AMC’s series, maybe even get a fresh new understanding in the way we relate to her on the show itself.

Next: All named character deaths of season 6

The ease of playability and game interactions in play style is carried over in other games by Telltale such as Game of Thrones, Borderlands, Minecraft, The Wolf Among Us and Back to the Future. Many of these games are offered as free downloads and who doesn’t love things that are free?!