Season 6 of The Walking Dead featured herds of walkers, but there were some herds and walkers that stood out. Let’s look at some of these. Meet Dumpster Walkers.
In the beginning of season 6 of The Walking Dead, there was a big plan to get the walkers away from the quarry and Alexandria. By the third episode, this plan had gone into a few back up plans.
Glenn and Nicholas were going to draw the walkers away by lighting a building on fire. Nicholas was in charge of finding the feed store that would go up quickly.
Glenn had talked to Rick on the walkie about the plan and wished the dumb ass good luck on his part of the plan.
But the feed store was already burned down. Glenn and Nicholas were trapped in a narrow dead-end alley with a dumpster as their only means of temporary escape from the herd playing follow the leader.
Related Story: Revolving Door Brothers: Nicholas and Noah
The herd encroached on them and followed them, cornering them with no escape. In this photo, we see the herd start to gather. On the left we see actors Skip Bartlett and Meredith Fishback. Keely Lambert is the woman walker in the middle and Alex hill is the leader to the right. I wish I knew the other actors. You may remember that Skip played Dangle Chin and Alex was Bigfoot. They don’t look related here though.
Glenn and Nicholas climbed on top of the dumpster and the more and more walkers gathered and clamored for the two of them as if they were rock stars and the walkers an audience of reaching, screaming, crying fans.
The herd itself was memorable, filled with a variety of beautiful reaching, swaying walkers. Greg Nicotero played one of the walkers looking up in admiration of the rock star humans.
Once the horrible events of Nicholas’ desperation at not seeing a way out and thanking Glenn for giving him second and third chances as well as giving him what he thought was the opportunity to figure a way out without the burden of trying to deal with both of them, finally transpired and the gun had gone off, walkers were all over the food Nicholas provided them.
Next: Season 6 Walkers: Insurance Man Walker
At the time we thought Glenn was part of their feast as well, but that’s a different story. Some of the main eating Nicholas walkers were played by Robert Hunt, Katie Lumpkin, and Joseph Hardin. The entire walker cast is to be admired for the scene depicted in the cover/feature image. It’s quite artistic.
*Something fun to notice is Robert’s bloody hands seem to form a heart.