The Walking Dead webisode actress joins Agents of SHIELD

Lilli Birdsell, one of the actresses from The Walking Dead’s webisodes, has joined the cast of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD in a recurring role for season 4.

With all the emphasis placed on hit shows like The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead coupled with the popular comic book series, video game franchises, action figures, trading cards, and everything else in the franchise’s universe, it is hard to believe that there is one part of the universe that is often overlooked: the webisodes.

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At one time, these webisodes were advertised during the hit AMC show. However, new webisodes haven’t been released since 2003 and since then the powerful short videos have become lost treasures upon fans.

One of the most memorable of the webisodes involved a woman named Hannah (played by Lilli Birdsell) who is trying to protect her children during the zombie apocalypse. Without giving away too many spoilers, this webisode is directly tied to the hit AMC show and will add some impact to a couple of scenes from the first season.

Here is the first episode of Torn Apart, the first webisode series from AMC titled A New Day:

The actress who plays Hannah is a major contributor to this series. Up to this point, Birdsell’s career has been playing smaller roles in popular programs like TURN: Washington’s Spies, Bones, Castle, CSI: New Orleans, and many others, but now she will become a recurring character on one of the most popular shows on television.

According to an article from, Lilli Birdsell will become a regular character on the hit FOX show Agents of SHIELD’s 4th season.

Here is how Deadline describes her role:

"“Birdsell will play Lucy, a beautiful woman with a haunting quality. She has a very violent streak in her inner self, because of things that have happened.”"

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Congratulations to Lilli Birdsell on landing a recurring role on Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. Plus, fans of The Walking Dead should check out her work on The Walking Dead’s webisode series Torn Apart, as she did a fantastic job in an emotional and powerful role.