The Walking Dead season 6 DVD bonus: The Andersons

Carl Grimes, Jessie, Sam, and Ron Anderson - The Walking Dead - AMC
Carl Grimes, Jessie, Sam, and Ron Anderson - The Walking Dead - AMC /

Jessie, Sam, and Ron Anderson are the focus of a special feature on the upcoming DVD/Blu-Ray for The Walking Dead season 6 from AMC and Anchor Bay.

On the surface, the Anderson family looked like a great group of people. With the patriarch heading up the community’s medical services, Jessie was able to be more of a social help to people, including giving haircuts and raising her children, Ron and Sam.

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Beneath that exterior was plenty of ugliness. With violence and fear running wild among the household, they eventually crumbled under the pressure of the zombie apocalypse and taking a stand for themselves.

But not everything ended well for this family on The Walking Dead. After Pete was executed at a town meeting, the rest of the Anderson family tried to go on as normal. Jessie found comfort in the arms of Rick Grimes while Ron turned to Enid. Meanwhile, Sam was left in the dark, not knowing what was going on or how to deal with it all.

In the special features of the season 6 DVD/Blu-Ray titled The Walking Dead: The Complete Sixth Season (Available on August 23, 2016 from Anchor Bay and AMC), there is a feature discussing the three longest living members of the Anderson family and the powerful scene involving them and the horde of walkers that invaded Alexandria as adapted from the hit comic book series.

Here is that special feature, as shared by Anchor Bay on YouTube:

Hearing the cast and crew of the show set the scene for this insane moment from the hit AMC television show is amazing. In particular, the commentary from Alexandra Breckenridge, who plays Jessie Anderson, is very compelling. Her character wanted to do everything to protect her children at all costs, but processing everything happening is too much for every character involved in the scene.

When watching season 6, this should be one of the moments from The Walking Dead that stands out as emotional, powerful, gruesome, and insane. In fact, it may be safe to say that this scene encapsulates a lot of what the popular AMC show has to offer fans who get invested in the program.

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This bonus special feature and others will be included in The Walking Dead: The Complete Sixth Season DVD/Blu-Ray set which is available for preorder on While you may think you’ve seen everything the show has to offer, this set is ensured to have never before seen content that should make even the most hardcore fans of the zombie survival show hungry for more undead action.