Here is a sneak peek into episode 158 of The Walking Dead comic book series titled ‘The Whisperer War Part 2″ before it is released on September 7, 2016.
War is heating up between the civilizations and the The Whisperers. With much blood already being spilled, there is no going back and the world of The Walking Dead will never be the same afterwards.
If you aren’t caught up on what has gone on so far, it is HIGHLY advised that you head over to or your local comic shop to catch up, because odds are that when issue #158 of the series is released that people will be talking about it all over social media.
Last month’s issue of The Walking Dead ended with The Whisperers marching toward Alexandria with a massive group of the undead. Led by Alpha, there is no limit to the pain and punishment he wants everyone, especially Negan, to endure.
Thankfully, fans won’t have to wait until September 7, 2016 for a sneak peek at the issue. Like previous issues, a selection of panels have been made available for fans to check out in preparation for the next installment.
Here is the preview page for The Walking Dead issue 158: ‘The Whisperer War Part 2 of 6’ as hosted on the official website:

Gabriel seems to be in major danger, as he is the first to encounter The Whisperers. While it’s not sure as to how much danger there will be for him up in the tower, it is never good to be dealing with the undead and one of the scariest groups of survivors ever to grace the pages of The Walking Dead.
The scariest part of this preview is the bottom panel. There appears to be a lot of blood and guts on the ground where The Whisperers are marching, which leads readers to believe that someone will meet their end in this issue.
Next: Who did Negan kill? Check out the odds here!
Issue 158 of The Walking Dead titled “The Whisperer War Part 2 of 6” will be released on September 7, 2016 and will tell more of the story about the impeding war. What do you think will happen? How much trouble is Gabriel in? And who do you think will die in this issue? Let your opinion be heard in the comments below.