The Walking Dead: Lennie James knows you’re trying to get secrets from him

Morgan Jones. Promo Image. AMC. Credit Gene Page.
Morgan Jones. Promo Image. AMC. Credit Gene Page.

Everyone wants to know the secrets of The Walking Dead and Lennie James knows you’re trying to get him to slip up when you talk to him.

You might think you’re being really clever when you talk to Lennie James and make a casual comment that isn’t related to anything that sounds like you’re asking him to spill any secrets about The Walking Dead. But Lennie James is smarter than you think!

He’s hip to you, friends, family and strangers! He knows exactly what you’re doing. Lennie talked to Entertainment Weekly about all the different little ways that people have asked him for spoilers without really asking. They try to “catch you out.” I wonder if that’s a British expression?

"“Everybody tries to get clever about it. So everybody tries to kind of catch you out. Everybody asks who you’re filming with this particular day, or ‘Who did you see today?’ Or ‘Who did you have dinner with today?’ Or ‘Please send such and such my love’ — all trying to figure out what your reaction is going to be. And these are members of the public, these are friends of mine, these are members of my family all trying to ask the question that may well kind of catch you out.”"

Lennie thinks he’s doing pretty well not getting caught in any of the tricks in conversation by staying pretty mum and staying very focused.

"“I’ve kind of done two things. One, I’ve stopped speaking to people. And two, you have to get very single-minded about protecting this particular story line and trying your best to stay true to it everywhere. People will just whisper something in your ear when you’re at the store or when you’re at the supermarket thinking that you’ll turn around and divulge some piece of information, but so far I think I’m doing okay.”"

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We know that Lennie makes it to The Kingdom. We’ll have to see what happens after that. Once October 23rd comes, hopefully, he’ll be able to start talking to people again. There are always secrets to be kept, but this is probably the biggest one that has had to be kept for the longest period of time.

Just hold up your staff, Lennie, and say that you need to teach Negan that all life is precious and walk away!