Preview video #2: The Walking Dead season 7 episode 6 ‘Swear’

Tara - The Walking Dead, AMC
Tara - The Walking Dead, AMC /

The second teaser video for The Walking Dead episode 706 titled ‘Swear’ features Tara and Heath on a supply run discussing the past and pondering the future.

So far this season, The Walking Dead hasn’t checked in on two characters. During season 6, Tara and Heath left on a two-week scavenger mission to find medicine, ammunition, and other supplies for Alexandria.

For episode 706 titled ‘Swear’, it looks like those two individuals will finally be highlighted. The events of their supply mission must be something major, since the show is taking time away from a thrilling series of episodes to show what happened with them.

Thankfully, there is a sneak peek of their conversation about what happened in the past and what might be in the future for Heath and Tara. Take a look at the video thanks to the official AMC YouTube channel:

The video opens with Tara and Heath talking in an RV. He says that nothing is left out there and they are out of gas. He says even if they had gas, they are due to return back to Alexandria after their two-week scavenger run.

Tara says that Alexandria will have food as long as The Hilltop held up their side of the bargain. She says that ammunition and medicine are two things the survivors could use much more than food.

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She says they can’t go back “like this” since people are counting on them. She likely means they are empty-handed after looking around for supplies for such a long time. Questioned by his motivations, Heath says he isn’t sure it means that much to him anymore.

Heath voices his displeasure for what happened at the satellite camp of The Saviors. Killing all the people there made a big impact on him, and he talked to Tara as if she got away without doing the dirty work.

Correcting him, she says she had to do it too. Heath says “had” to, for milk and corn. The fact Alexandria was getting by before Rick’s group arrived has him yearning for those days again. He calls out Rick’s group for using what they need to in order to survive and move on, saying nobody is in this together. Not anymore.

Next: A look ahead at TWD 706-708

Don’t miss The Walking Dead season 7 episode 6 titled ‘Swear’ which will air on AMC on Sunday, November 27, 2016. What will happen with Tara and Heath? Will they make it home? Will they find any supplies to bring back home? And what will they do when they find out what happened while they were gone? A lot of questions need answering next week.