All of the deaths on The Walking Dead in 2016 [Video]

Walker - The Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Walker - The Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

In The Walking Dead there is loss every year and this year is no exception. We lost minor and major characters and a whole bunch of walkers in 2016.

The year 2016 for The Walking Dead includes the second half of season 6 and the first half of season 7. It was a deadly year for our friends and enemies on The Walking Dead as well as for the walkers, who are friendly enemies, or deadly friends, depending on your perspective.

TV Guide put together a video with clips of every single death from 2016 and a tally of human and walker deaths from the year. The walker deaths came in at over triple the number of human deaths.

My poor walker actor friends get squashed one after another pretty quickly with these super cuts. There are some definite highlights as far as walkers go in 2016. We have the Alexandria herd and the walkers at the truck where Jesus, Daryl and Rick have their Benny Hill scene. That Red Rover line blocking the road was spectacular.

The walkers that Carol saw as humans at the Kingdom were pretty amazing. The slice face kill was rather memorable. The walker invasion of Hilltop was quite the party with Jesus and his ninja kicks. Then the sandwalkers, the pondwalkers and Michonne’s speedbump walkers ended the year.

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Negan lost quite a large number of Saviors in many different situations. Bud and his motorcycle gang were blown up to start 2016. Paula and her friends didn’t make it. Carol and Morgan took care of a few. Carl got rid of some. Some didn’t make it when Dwight made his reappearance.

The herd invasion at the beginning of 2016 was the scene of many deaths. All of the Andersons are now gone. The last of the wolves is gone, too. The end of 2016 took the last of the Monroes. Negan took out Spencer. Negan also took Abraham and Glenn away from us.

Because of Negan and the Saviors, Ethan of Hilltop was killed by Rick. Denise was killed by Dwight. Olivia was killed by Arat. And Fat Joey was killed by Daryl.

Next: Watch the preview for the midseason premiere

Total counts for 2016: Humans-52 Walkers-175

As we move into 2017 and the survivors consider joining forces with the other communities to fight back against Negan and the Saviors, 2017 will likely be as deadly or deadlier than 2016. Season 7 returns on February 12.