Fear The Walking Dead Passage: Meet Mishel Prada and Kelsey Scott

Kelsey Scott as Sierra, Mishel Prada as Gabi - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Passage - Photo Credit: Ron Jaffe/AMC
Kelsey Scott as Sierra, Mishel Prada as Gabi - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Passage - Photo Credit: Ron Jaffe/AMC /
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Kelsey Scott as Sierra, Mishel Prada as Gabi - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Passage - Photo Credit: Ron Jaffe/AMC
Kelsey Scott as Sierra, Mishel Prada as Gabi – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Passage – Photo Credit: Ron Jaffe/AMC /

What’s next?

I asked Mishel and Kelsey what we should expect next, a hint of what we might see in the second half of Fear The Walking Dead Passage.

"MISHEL: “What’s coming is a lot more action.” KELSEY: “Not slowing down. That tripwire, that’s what’s going to happen next.”"

I inquired about other projects we might also be seeing them in soon.

Mishel finished a comedy film named Bachelor Lions and Kelsey completed a suspenseful, psychological thriller titled Dark Red. But most importantly, they are both anxious for the second set of 8 Passage episodes to hit our screens. Actually, Mishel admitted that she has a hard time watching herself, but Kelsey assured me that she would make her watch!

So, have Kelsey and Mishel been spotted as Sierra and Gabi since the first half of Passage aired?

It turns out that Mishel was identified as Gabi on Halloween of all times.  And, yes, Kelsey has been spotted a few times as well, saying it was a lot of fun.

Where can you find Mishel and Kelsey on social media?


@MishelPrada on Twitter

@mishe____prada on Instagram


@MsKelseyScott on Twitter

@mskelseyscott on Instagram

Gabi and Sierra fan site:

@sierra_and_gabi_ftwd on Instagram

Final question, after your Passage filming experience, what weapon or piece of advice would you take with you for a possible zombie apocalypse?

"MISHEL: “The brain thing because my boyfriend is a lot more into fantasy and horror than I am. I get scared very easily. I don’t watch anything about the world ending or aliens because I’d be thinking this could really happen. It’s been really good to delve into the lore of zombies and apocalypse, it was really news for me that you go for the brain. It was kind of fun because I started looking into it before filming and then I was like ‘I don’t’ really know anything and I don’t want to know anything’, so it wasn’t until after filming that I started learning.” KELSEY: “Keep your knife handy. It’s a tried and true weapon. You don’t have to worry about running out of bullets. “"

Next: Fear The Walking Dead Passage cliffhanger mid-season finale

It was an absolute pleasure getting to know Mishel Prada and Kelsey Scott.  They were such a delight.  Their bond from filming is very evident. You can tell they are very close, often finishing one another’s sentences.  They are so genuine and welcomed me into their world of Fear The Walking Dead Passage.

I told them after we finished that I felt like I had just made two new friends.  And now we have two more new friends in Gabi and Sierra. I certainly hope they have each other’s back throughout the second half of Passage. You go, girls!