If you don’t have a team you love in the Super Bowl and you’re a fan of The Walking Dead, why not cheer for the Atlanta Falcons? Rise up!
Super Bowl Sunday comes the week before The Walking Dead returns for the second half of season 7. Super Bowl Sunday is known for the half-time show, food, parties, point squares, and creative commercials.
If you’re not a football lover or your favorite NFL team is not in the game, sometimes it’s hard to get excited about the actual game. This year, you’re in luck if you’re a New England Patriots fan or an Atlanta Falcons fan, but also if you’re a fan of The Walking Dead.
Of course, if you’re a Pats fan, this doesn’t apply to you. If you are neither a Pats fan or a Falcons fan, let your The Walking Dead obsession be your guide; the Atlanta Falcons deserve some The Walking Dead love.
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The slogan for the Falcons is Rise Up! That should sound familiar! We became Atlanta fans the moment we started Tweeting the hashtag #riseup and saw an emoji and tried to figure out what The Walking Dead emoji it was and discovered it was a Falcon.
Our zombie show films in Atlanta and many of our cast members are fans, including Walker Chris Harrelson, Walker and Savior Joseph Hardin, Savior Jayson Warner Smith, Savior Roe Digi, Iron E Singleton, and Khary Payton!
#RiseUp #BirdGang #DIRTYBIRDZ #FalconNation #Atlanta #SuperBowl @UndeadWalkingFS pic.twitter.com/dCWGCLhBEo
— Roe DIGI (@RoeDigi) January 26, 2017
#Brotherhood #RiseUp @UndeadWalkingFS pic.twitter.com/hcCz0V7ytM
— Roe DIGI (@RoeDigi) January 26, 2017
FALCONS ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #SuperBowl2017 #RiseUp
— Jayson Warner Smith (@JaysonWSmith) January 22, 2017
Cause it's the right thing to do. Like the survivors, no one pays attention to the #falcons and then they #RiseUp and beat their ass.
— Jayson Warner Smith (@JaysonWSmith) January 23, 2017
Hey @UndeadWalkingFS, @ChrisHarrelson is a huge fan
— tasha🖤🌹 (@LostInN3v3rland) January 23, 2017
#RiseUp #ATL #talktome https://t.co/pNP5p72d1g
— Khary Payton (@kharypayton) January 23, 2017
Tom Brady already has everything. He doesn't need another Super Bowl ring. WE DO!
— Bruce Illest (@APeAR420) January 23, 2017
~@ChrisHarrelson #RiseUp pic.twitter.com/Mr9lQ42p9W
— Undead Walking (@UndeadWalkingFS) January 23, 2017
So if you’re invited to a Super Bowl party and want to root for a team in between the commercials, the Atlanta Falcons could use some cheers! Rise up! And the rise up again the following Sunday when The Walking Dead returns for the back 8 of season 7.