The Walking Dead: Who died in episode 7.10 New Best Friends?

Michonne (Danai Gurira) and Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) in episode 10Photo credit: Gene Page/AMC, The Walking Dead
Michonne (Danai Gurira) and Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) in episode 10Photo credit: Gene Page/AMC, The Walking Dead /

There was certainly a lot to “rummage” through on the latest episode of The Walking Dead. Our pulses raced on more than one occasion.  Did everyone make it out alive?

Nobody messes with Carol

Richard tries to enlist Daryl’s help in baiting the Saviors. Richard explains that if the Saviors kill a certain someone that King Ezekiel thinks so fondly of, His Majesty will come around to the idea of fighting the Saviors. Of course, that someone is Carol.

Daryl will have nothing of the sort. Daryl attacks Richard and the two fight.  Richard gets another bloody nose like the one he received from Jared. The brawl ends with both taking aim at one another. Daryl tells Richard that he will most definitely kill him if anything, ANYTHING bad happens to Carol.

Richard survived Daryl’s assault, but is he long for this world? Some say yes, some say no. We will have to wait and see.

Father Gabriel turns the tables

Jadis is not interested in Rick’s proposal that they join the fight against Negan. After all, these “Scavengers” (I like “Heapsters”) prefer to take, not bother.

Tamiel (Sabrina Gennarino) and Father Gabriel Stokes (Seth Gilliam) in episode 10 Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC, The Walking Dead
Tamiel (Sabrina Gennarino) and Father Gabriel Stokes (Seth Gilliam) in episode 10Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC, The Walking Dead /

Jadis says no to the proposal and twirls her fingers for Brion and Tamiel to return Father Gabriel to captivity.

The Scavengers begin to attack Rick’s group when Father Gabriel calls out for them to stop. He has a knife to Tamiel’s throat. This gets the attention of Jadis and she allows him to speak.

Tamiel is released but Rick earns a trip to Up Up Up after Gabriel sings his praises.

You Win(slow) some, you lose some

After boasting that Rick can do anything, Rick is taken Up Up Up and then Down Down Down into a pit to prove himself against an armored walker named Winslow.

Winslow has a helmet of spikes making it seemingly impossible to take him out. Rick punctures his hand on one of the spikes, which seems to be yet another nod to the comic storyline where Rick loses his hand. Rick’s leg is also sliced in the fight against Winslow.

Things are not looking good for Rick. Perhaps he cannot really do “anything”. But, wait. Behind every good man is a good woman.  Michonne tells Rick to use the walls to his advantage. They do not merely have to be barriers.

Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) in episode 10 Photo credit: Gene Page/AMC, The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) in episode 10Photo credit: Gene Page/AMC, The Walking Dead /

Rick slams himself into the wall of garbage.  Heaps of junk fall down upon Winslow knocking him out long enough for Rick to finish him off.

And Rick and company get a deal with Jadis.  Her group will fight with them in exchange for guns and jars.

Final Count 0

There were certainly a few close calls for our humans this week.  But everyone survives their ordeals. The walkers do not fare as well.

Next: Review of The Walking Dead episode 7.10 New Best Friends

Hearts are still beating for our favorite characters this week. But with a fight against Negan officially in the works, I fear there may be some casualties before too long.

We will reconvene next week to assess the damage on The Walking Dead.