The Walking Dead: Seth Gilliam still impressed by the walkers

BySusie Graham|
Stephen Vining. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Stephen Vining. The Walking Dead. AMC.

Seth Gilliam has worked on The Walking Dead for quite a few seasons now and he is still impressed by the attention to detail given to the zombies.

AMC posted an exclusive interview with Seth Gilliam on their website in the Talk section last week about his character. One of my favorite questions was if anything still surprises him.

His answer was not about the content of the scripts or the story or about his character at all. It was about the zombies. It was something that surprises and pleases me as well. The attention to detail.

If you know me at all, you know I’m a huge fan of the walkers and the beauty of the zombies on The Walking Dead in all their leaning, reaching, sad, lonely elegance.

Since becoming a blogger and making the acquaintance of some of the walker actors, I’ve seen some amazing still photos of zombies that are breathtaking in their detail.

There are a few in particular that have really made me appreciate the amount of work that goes into making the walkers appear so aesthetically incredible on-screen even if they aren’t shown close-up.

Stephen Vining. The Walking Dead. AMC.

I still can’t find the walker in the photo above very well on-screen in the episode and I know exactly where he appears. He is in the herd reaching for Spencer and gets shot by Tara. It happens so fast, you don’t see the gorgeous detail that you see above. But if the detail weren’t there, the fast shots would suffer.

"When we’re on the set, I’m still surprised at the incredibly elaborate details that go into constructing the walkers, turning a walker from a 22-year old kid into some undead thing and how you can be standing two inches from these incredibly made-up actors and be completely horrified because you can’t see where the latex ends. [Laughs]  I’m constantly on my toes! ~Seth Gilliam"

Next: Highlighting Season 6 Walkers

I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be two inches from the walkers! I hope that the detail and creativity from Greg NIcotero’s KNB FX team and make-up artists continues to surprise Seth and all of us.

Source: AMC