3 fan questions about The Walking Dead answered for May 13, 2017

Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh - The Walking Dead, AMC
Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh - The Walking Dead, AMC
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Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Eugene (Josh McDermitt), The Walking Dead, AMC, via Screencapped.com (Uploader: Cass)
Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Eugene (Josh McDermitt), The Walking Dead, AMC, via Screencapped.com (Uploader: Cass)

#3. Learning the backstories

Ulysses Jones Iii on Facebook: Will we ever see who they were before the apocalypse?”

It depends on the medium. Fans of the comic book are unlikely to get many more flashbacks or backstories on the characters we have learned to love over the years, but the AMC shows and games from Telltale have plenty of room to explore.

More from Undead Walking

Now in season 7, it’s hard to believe that the flagship show still has story to tell for any survivor. Still, fans are going to be treated to some more backstories coming up, including some details on Negan and others to help explain why these people are the way they are.

Fear The Walking Dead still has a lot of room to help their characters grow, and could use flashbacks and backstories to help establish these personas since fans have struggled to identify with some of the major characters in the series.

I’m a firm believer in loving the unknown and imagining what these people did before the apocalypse hit. In fact, I have made up many of the characters’ histories that have never been revealed in the series or comics….and I have to admit that I was sad when Negan didn’t turn out to be a used car salesman like I thought he was going to be.

Next: All named character deaths from season 7

Hopefully, next week will bring some more questions on our Facebook and Twitter pages for me to answer, as it was kind of disappointing to only get 3 solid questions this week. Ask me anything about The Walking Dead‘s comics, shows, games, toys or anything on social media or in the comments below and they could be used in next week’s article.