Walker Stalker Con: How do you find your seat for a panel?

Walker Stalker conventions provide great opportunities to attend panels with your favorite cast members. Finding your seat is easy if you arrive early.

So you have paid for your pass to the Walker Stalker Con. You decide that you want to attend a panel with one of your favorite actors. Which stage should you go to? Are there assigned seats? These are burning questions that I investigated while attending the Walker Stalker Con Nashville which was held June 3 & 4 at the Music City Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

One of the many highlights with the Cons are the multiple panels held during the convention with current and past cast members.  Fans are given the opportunity to see their favorites in real life.   If you’re lucky you may even get to ask a question.

Panels were held on two different stages.  The Main panel stage, which is the larger of the two and holds approximately 100 seats.  There is also the WSC live stage that allows attendees to gather in front of the stage and listen as cast or FanFest staff were being interviewed. The WSC live stage is a more intimate setting with no formal seating available.

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In the main panel stage area seating is arranged on the type of admission you purchased.  Platinum pass holder and those attendees needing a sign language interpreter are the first to be seated directly on the front two rows.  On the next rows are Gold pass holders, then VIP, then General Admission.

During the seating process of the main panel stage there are designated seats for those individuals that require end row seating due to a disability. The Ambassadors assigned to facilitate seating within the panels were very helpful directing attendees to their correct seating areas.

It is always a plus that once the majority of the Gold and VIP pass holders have been seated (if the panel is not completely full) ambassadors will allow rows to move forward to be closer to the stage and allow more attendees to find seating.

Near the WSC live stage panels there are chairs available for those individuals with disabilities so they won’t have to stand.  It’s always advised to arrive at least 15 minutes early to any panel to guarantee the best possible seating.

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During the Con panels cast members have fun lively conversations with their fans and share their feelings about the past season (never spoilers) and what it’s like to work on one of the most popular shows on televisions.

Next Up Walker Stalker Convention and A Heroes & Villains in Portland June 24 &25 2017