The Walking Dead: Dwight could be they key to winning All Out War

The Walking Dead;AMC;Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, Austin Amelio as Dwight
The Walking Dead;AMC;Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, Austin Amelio as Dwight /

The Walking Dead trailer from SDCC revealed that Dwight could be the key to Rick winning All Out War – if the survivors can trust him.

The Walking Dead season 8 trailer from SDCC set the stage for the war between Rick and Negan and their respective armies. But Negan doesn’t know that one of his most trusted soldiers is actually a double agent.

At the end of season 7 Dwight approached Rick at Alexandria after finding Rosita at The Sanctuary when Sasha snuck in. Dwight told Rick and the others that he wants to help them take Negan down. After Negan’s initial assault on Alexandria at the end of season 7 Dwight left a hidden message for Rick and the others. The message claimed he didn’t know that Negan had been planning on attacking Alexandria.

In the season 8 trailer revealed at SDCC Dwight is shown on guard duty at The Sanctuary reading a cryptic note that just says, “Tomorrow”. Presumably it’s from Rick and the others letting Dwight know when they are planning their assault on The Sanctuary.

If Dwight really is on their side and can get them into The Sanctuary unseen that could be the advantage they need to win the war by overtaking The Sanctuary. But can Dwight really be trusted? He claims that he wants to help them take Negan down. But he killed Denise. And he held Daryl captive and fed him dog food. Daryl wanted to kill Dwight right away when he showed up in Alexandria. So did Tara, who is still mourning for Denise. Should Daryl have killed him?

Dwight Can Turn The Tide Of The War

Dwight is a lot more valuable to the survivors alive. Even though it would have been very satisfying for Daryl to kill Dwight and he doesn’t deserve any mercy for what he’s done he can still be useful to the group. Utility trumps personal vengeance, and there’s a bigger foe that the group needs to focus on. Daryl can kill Dwight later on.

Dwight can single handedly change the outcome of All Out War. Taking on the The Sanctuary is going to be a huge challenge for Rick and the others. It’s well guarded and secure. And they don’t know the layout or the security protocols that are in place.

Dwight can give them a map of The Sanctuary. He can also tell them what the security is like and when patrols or guards are posted. And Dwight can also sneak them into The Sanctuary so that they can all take up offensive positions before Negan and the other Saviors even know they are in the building. That element of surprise will give them the edge they need to win.

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Dwight’s Motivation

So Rick and his army don’t really have a choice. They have to trust Dwight, for now anyway. The advantages of trusting him are too big to pass up. But in order to trust him they have to know his motivation. Why is Dwight turning on Negan now?

Dwight has already tried to escape from Negan and The Sanctuary. He only returned after running off with Sherry and her sister to make sure that Negan didn’t kill Sherry. Now that Sherry has fled and is either in hiding or dead Dwight has no reason to hide his hatred of Negan anymore. And teaming up with Rick and the other survivor communities is the best way to take Negan down.

Negan trusts Dwight and thinks that Dwight’s loyalty to him is absolute. The arrogance of thinking that Dwight remains loyal to him after Negan burned his face and took his wife is exactly what will cause Negan’s downfall. All Out War is coming when The Walking Dead returns on October 22nd.