In season 8 of The Walking Dead, Rick and his allies will no doubt be looking for chinks in Negan’s armor. And as it happens, we can already identify three.
The trailer for season 8 of The Walking Dead released last week set the stage for what many fans had been expecting, ever since our heroes met Negan and his Saviors: the “All-Out War”. Of course, the question we all have now is: can the alliance led by Rick, Maggie and Ezekiel actually beat the Saviors?
So far, we have not been given much information about Negan: unlike the Governor, we do not know his backstory or his motivations (at least, not unless you have been reading it from other sources). One thing that is particularly mysterious is how Negan managed to rise to this position of power, and how he has been able to stay in that position.
Indeed, Negan seems to be pursuing an expansionist policy, placing more and more communities under his yoke. Still, if you look at the way he manages his “empire”… he is surprisingly quite sloppy. Although he clearly has the numbers and the guns, Negan is not always such a clever leader and actually has several weak points.
Now that all the communities who were supposedly under his rule have united to rise against him, the question is: are the Saviours really that strong? We’ve already seen from the trailer that we could expect Rick and his allies to put up a real fight. What weaknesses do the Saviors have that Rick, Maggie and Ezekiel could use to emerge victorious from the All-Out War?
Here is a look at three of these weaknesses that could play a key role in the coming war during season 8 of The Walking Dead.