Emily Kinney talks Japan’s Hollycon, Ten Days in the Valley, Beth at Build

Emily Kinney talks Japan's Hollycon, Beth Greene, Ten Days in the Valley, The Walking Dead at Build Series NYC - Screenshot Photo Credit: Build Series NYC (https://build.aol.com/)
Emily Kinney talks Japan's Hollycon, Beth Greene, Ten Days in the Valley, The Walking Dead at Build Series NYC - Screenshot Photo Credit: Build Series NYC (https://build.aol.com/)

Emily Kinney was interviewed at Build Series NYC and discussed her recent Japan Hollycon tour, Ten Days in the Valley, and The Walking Dead’s Beth Greene!

Emily Kinney recently came over to the Big Apple to promote her new ABC show Ten Days in the Valley over at Build Series NYC. Kinney discussed how her look on Ten Day in the Valley came to be, if she still watches The Walking Dead, how she started singing on the show, her recent Japan Hollycon tour and of course… The fans!

Kinney was asked if The Walking Dead still resonates with her, and if people still stop her on the street because of Beth. She replied that she was so proud to have been part of The Walking Dead and Beth as a character. How it’s not like one of those things where like “Oh god! You still remember me from that show!”. That she’s thrilled there were fans outside of the Build studio with Beth photos.

We got to ask Emily Kinney what it was like to travel abroad to Japan’s Hollycon? The feeling of meeting fans across the world who adored Beth Greene!

Emily Kinney on Japan Hollycon Fan Tour

UndeadWalking.com – Nir Regev: Hi Emily, I’m from UndeadWalking.com and I have to say the contrast of your characters from The Walking Dead and Ten Days [in the Valley] is just astonishing. It’s a complete metamorphosis. I was wondering, recently you toured Japan over at Hollycon, what was it like to reconnect with your Beth fans abroad? You have fans all over the world.

Emily Kinney: Yeah, that’s another cool thing about being a show like this that’s all over the world. I would have never imagined when I was little and was like “Oh, I wanna be an actor”, that I would be going to Tokyo. Or you know, I’ve been to Buenos Aires doing conventions, it’s so cool! It’s crazy to go another country where you like don’t even know the same language, yet they know you. They feel like they know you, and maybe know your songs.

When I sang at Hollycon, some of the fans were actually singing “Never Leave LA” with me. It’s pretty special. Yeah, I’m so thankful for the fans all over the world. It’s kind of unbelievable.

Emily Kinney on Casey’s look in Ten Days in the Valley

When I made my audition tape for this show [Ten Days in the Valley], I remember thinking that I wanted to do my hair in a certain way like the PAs on set always doing their hair. I think they did a really good job capturing what it can be like on-set.

Emily Kinney was invited by Scott Wilson [Hershel Greene] to dinner in NY

Scott Wilson just called me today [10/12/17] to see if I wanted to get dinner! And he always says, your dear old dad’s calling yah. I love Scott! I’m still pretty close with him, he’s such a great support!

Emily Kinney on people caring about Beth Greene’s character end

It’s really special to me that people care about your character when they die. The fact that people miss your character when your character dies is kind of satisfying. *Laughs*. Because if your character died and they were like “Yeah, whatever. She was annoying anyway”, you’d be like “Oh man! I worked so hard”.

Emily Kinney on if she watches The Walking Dead now:

I don’t watch it as much, partly because to be honest, I get scared now. That’s all my friends on there! When I was a teenager, I’d watch all those scary movies and stuff. For some reason now, I don’t know if it’s because I was on the show or what. You’d think then I’d be like, “It’s all fake”, and it wouldn’t effect me.

I don’t know if it’s for so long I’m convincing myself, something about the psychology of the character… It’s a bit hard to watch the violent stuff for me because I’m a wimp. I’m an actress, I’m emotional. So do I want to watch this and cry tonight? I don’t know! *Laughs*

If I know a friend of mine has a big part coming up, then I’ll watch just that. I don’t watch it like in-order. I remember one night, I really felt like watching the show. So I caught up with four in a row. I just don’t watch it every Sunday necessarily like everybody else.

More from Undead Walking

Emily Kinney on Beth singing on The Walking Dead:

Right as I released my EP I was cast on The Walking Dead. Between season 2 and season 3 one of the writers had come to my show at Rockwood. Then right before season 3, I remember the showrunner calling me and saying like “We’re think of having Beth sing.” Like that would be a thing.

At first, they were like, “Are you comfortable with that? Also, we realized oh, you could sing and we thought that would be a nice element.” The show is so violent and scary and I think they needed moments of calm. I think music is a great way to connect with people and add that element of calm.

Emily Kinney on if she’s glad she got out before Negan:

Yeah, yeah… I mean that’s just… That doesn’t look like fun.

Emily Kinney complete interview at Build Series NYC

Check out the full Build Series NYC interview with Emily Kinney above and on Build Series’ official website!

Related Story: Kyra Sedgwick slapped costar Kick on Ten Days in the Valley, Kinney next?

Remember to catch Emily Kinney as Casey on Ten Days in the Valley every Sunday on ABC at 10 p.m. Eastern/9 Central.