Review: The Walking Dead episode 808 ‘How It’s Gotta Be’

Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8Photo by Gene Page/AMC
Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8Photo by Gene Page/AMC
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Gary (Mike Seal) and Jerry (Cooper Andrews) in The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8 Photo by Gene Page/AMC
Gary (Mike Seal) and Jerry (Cooper Andrews) in The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8Photo by Gene Page/AMC

Overall impression of TWD 808

As a whole, this was one of the most intense episodes of The Walking Dead I’ve ever watched. I felt like just about any character could go at any time, and nobody felt safe on either side of the conflict.

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Unlike the season 7 premiere when we knew someone was going to die, the tension was built well in this episode, sharing some stories while resolving other storylines. They intertwined well and came together with so many curveballs to keep me guessing.

I’ve said that I hate killing off Carl, and while I’m glad he isn’t quite dead yet, I know there is still a lot more to tell before we bid him farewell. While that won’t be until the second half of season 8, I’m interested to see what direction they go with him and how they will send him out in a blaze of glory.

There weren’t a lot of negatives from this episode. Honestly, I had friends complaining that the episode was too dark since it was a night filming, but I didn’t have that issue on the television in my apartment. I couldn’t find much to complain about other than an awkward piece of dialogue here or there, which means this is a really good program.

As a whole, I really enjoyed this episode and find it to be the most rewatchable installment from season 8. Out of 10, this episode gets a 9.6!

Next: When is the TWD season 8 midseason premiere?

Now, fans of The Walking Dead play the waiting game until the season 8 midseason premiere returns to AMC. There are still a lot of emotions running wild after an intense episode and should build a lot of excitement for the show’s return!