The Walking Dead: 5 wishes for Rosita Espinosa

Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa - The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa - The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Rosita Espinosa has faced many challenges in The Walking Dead universe. Sometimes we agree with her decisions and sometimes we do not. What if we could choose a few things for her story?

We meet Rosita in season 4 as part of Abraham’s Army. She is not quick to let new people into her inner circle. But time on the long road to Terminus brings her closer to Tara and Glenn.

By the time Rick’s group reaches Alexandria, Rosita’s circle has grown even larger. But she takes a big hit to her heart (and perhaps ego) when Abraham breaks off their relationship. To make matters worse, he finds love nearby with Sasha.

Michael Cudlitz as Abraham and Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa - The Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Michael Cudlitz as Abraham and Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa – The Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 13 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Negan arrives on the scene and takes the lives of Glenn and Abraham. He holds Alexandria under his thumb. Rosita sets out on a mission to eliminate Negan.

We learn through talks with Father Gabriel that Rosita does not really feel like a full member of the Alexandria “family”. She is determined to take out Negan and goes rogue on a couple of occasions searching for a gun, insisting that Eugene make her a bullet, and infiltrating Negan’s compound with Sasha.

Granted, while Rosita’s plans have not worked to eliminate Negan, neither have Rick’s at this point. Rosita continues to be a loyal contributor and soldier for Alexandria, but her shell seems to be hardening.

I want to see good things for Rosita. Despite what she may think, I believe she is a valued member of the Alexandria family. So, here is my list of 5 things I would like to see for Rosita’s character as The Walking Dead returns for the second half of season 8.

(1) A history lesson

I would like to learn more about Rosita’s backstory. Some flashbacks might be helpful.

We know that she has dated several men, learning about explosives and other useful skills for the zombie apocalypse. Has she always had a man in her life?

As beautiful as Rosita is, she carries a bit of a rough exterior, not easily letting others get close. Why is she defensive in this way?

Rosita has invaluable fighting skills. She has put her self on the line for her group many times over. Why does she not feel more valued by the group?

Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa - The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa – The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

(2) A new motivation

Rosita seems very much motivated by vengeance. Believe me, I can certainly understand why. But how far will this take her?

I would like to see Rosita’s vision expand beyond vengeance to a desire for peace, much like Carl. I want her to find a reason to live and not just a reason to fight.

While I would like to see Rosita find true love, I want to see something other than just romance that will give her hope for the future.

(3) A “father” figure

I am not sure how likely recovery will be for Father Gabriel. But I am certainly hoping for one. We have seen Father Gabriel offering advice to Rosita. We have seen Rosita confide in Father Gabriel (whether she will really admit it or not).

I think a strong friendship between these two would be a powerful force and an interesting one. Maybe Father Gabriel will be the one Rosita can really open up to. And Rosita can help Gabriel hone his tactical skills. Both Rosita and Gabriel tend to fall on the fringes of the group. I think together they can draw themselves in closer.

BTS, Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa, Alanna Masterson as Tara Chambler - The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
BTS, Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa, Alanna Masterson as Tara Chambler – The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 9 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

(4) Laughter

I get it. These are trying times. It’s a tough world.

But so much of what gives The Walking Dead heart is the integration of humor into the story now and then. Finding humor on occasion helps keep the group tethered to their humanity.

Rosita keeps a very serious front most of the time. Perhaps it is a defensive measure. Maybe she needs to give herself permission to enjoy a few laughs. Surely, Tara could help in this department.

(5) Family

I want Rosita to feel a sense of family. Whether it’s the idea of building a physical family with someone she loves or truly accepting herself as part of the Alexandria family, I hope she will feel that deep sense of belonging.

I would even be happy if she fosters an animal. I mean, can we please have a pet on the show? One that actually survives. Like a “season regular” pet.

(Okay, maybe that’s really a wish for me and not Rosita, but I’m still throwing it out there.)

Next: The evolution of Dwight and Daryl during The Walking Dead season 8

What are you hoping to see happen for Rosita Espinosa?

Hopefully, we will find out more of her story soon enough as the mid-season premiere arrives on February 25th on AMC.