The Walking Dead 811: Best fan reactions to Dead or Alive Or

Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in The Walking Dead (2010) 811. Photo: Gene Page/AMC
Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in The Walking Dead (2010) 811. Photo: Gene Page/AMC /

On The Walking Dead most of Team Family was reunited last night and of course Twitter had feelings about it. Check out the best fan reactions to Dead or Alive Or.

Even though there wasn’t a lot of action in last night’s The Walking Dead it was an emotional episode as Gabriel and Dr. Carson tried to make it back to The Hilltop and the members of Alexandria who survived the onslaught by The Saviors tried to get there too.

Daryl finally got to do something, which is something that hasn’t really happened in awhile and fans were happy to see Daryl get to apply his considerable skills to getting the group safely to The Hilltop. Tara went rogue and almost got everyone killed, but in the end was forced to admit that Dwight was on their side. Fans took issue with Tara’s declaration that no one gets to switch sides because when Tara joined the group Glenn brought her in after she was part of The Governor’s group which attacked the prison and killed Hershel.

Once they reached The Hilltop fans got the Daryl and Carol reunion they’ve been waiting for, but it was bittersweet as Daryl told the members of Team Family that Carl didn’t make it. Enid took the news hard but Maggie was there to help her, the way Enid was there for Maggie after Glenn’s death.

Maggie had some tough decisions to make as supplies are running low at The Hilltop and the arrival of Siddiq gave The Hilltop a doctor again. Which is good, because Dr. Carsen killed himself rather than go back to The Sanctuary after he and Gabriel were recaptured.  With so many emotional situations going on Twitter had all the feels as you can see in these best Twitter reactions from ‘Dead or Alive Or’:

Next: The Walking Dead 811: Who died in Dead Or Alive Or?

And there they are, the best fan reactions from The Walking Dead episode 811 ‘Dead or Alive Or’. Make sure to tag @undeadwalkingfs or @sonyairyna on Twitter if you want to make sure we see your tweets about The Walking Dead!