Fear The Walking Dead is BACK!! And, to celebrate Fear’s long-awaited return, we have a brand new installment of Things To Note!!
Last Sunday, not only did we see the finale of Season Eight of The Walking Dead, but, began a whole new season of Fear The Walking Dead. To be quite honest, I’m pretty happy about it.
Yes, I’ve aired my grievances (Last week, in fact), but, for now, I’m just going to sit back and enjoy this new season of Fear. I’d been avoiding watching or reading anything about this season, to avoid spoiling things, so, I’ve only just caught on to the fact that this season picks up where Season Eight of The Walking Dead left off. Honestly, as much as I want to know what happened since Season Three, this time jump is a welcome change.
Of course, I could sit here and yammer on about the obvious stuff all day, but, that’s not what you came here for. You came here to find out all the little hints, clues, and trivia that goes overlooked! Rest assured, I’ve found as much as I could, all so that you can enjoy them!
Are you ready? Because it’s that time again! It’s time for this week’s Fear The Walking Dead: THINGS TO NOTE!!