Season 4 of Fear the Walking Dead spans two timelines. The mysterious events in between are bookended by hope for a new future, and a return to desperation.
The latest episode of Fear the Walking Dead is set sometime prior to Morgan’s arrival and 365 days after Madison’s group occupied the stadium. In the final moments of the episode, we are returned to the present where we see Alicia, Nick, Luciana, and Strand again.
We still don’t know what happened between the peaceful days back at the diamond and the current drama unfolding on the road. Until a complete picture emerges, we will continue our threat assessment in the present, with this week’s “Four to Fear”.
4. Nick

Nick’s mysterious ordeal after the dam explosion left him uncharacteristically fearful of the world outside. Even after a year of security behind the walls of the diamond, he has not recovered from those traumatic events. When Nick decided to investigate some mysterious music beyond the walls, he only made it a few yards past the gate. Once outside, he was quickly overcome by distressing memories of the dam and its aftermath. This caused him to crash his truck into a pole and to retreat to the safety of the diamond.
Previous seasons of Fear the Walking Dead have portrayed Nick as fearless, reckless and even dangerous. As a former addict, he didn’t fear the apocalypse. Rather, he seemed built for survival, walking freely among the dead. In Season 3, he formed an unlikely bond with Troy Otto, even joining his militia. While his loyalty to his family has never wavered, he has made many questionable choices, inviting unnecessary danger.
In the present, it appears that he and his family have been forced out of their sanctuary. Like Morgan, he must now confront his demons in the wild. Also, like Morgan, if he cannot reconcile his traumatic visions of the past, he remains a danger to himself and others.
3. Madison

“Another day in the Diamond” was a Madison episode. We got to see how she had become a revered community leader, literally building a future at their new home. We also learned that she was able to reunite her family after a harrowing period of being separated following the dam explosion.
Madison has avoided most of the hubristic errors committed by Rick on The Walking Dead. Some might argue that Madison’s survival code is a lot like Shane’s would have been. And maybe she’s a fantastic example of what might have been if the Atlanta group had followed Shane instead of Rick.
Then along came Mel. Madison’s “no surrender” approach put all of her cards, and those of the 46 others under her watch, on the table. Her gift for nullifying disadvantages has gotten her this far but Mel’s caravan of Vultures is a threat that has gone unopposed – perhaps until now.
2. Mel (and the Vultures)

Maidson and her community at the diamond have something extremely valuable. Their re-purposed stadium is a fortified safe zone and, within its walls lie comfort, security, and sustainable resources. Mel’s sudden arrival represents the first big threat to all they have built over the last 365 days.
There’s a lot we don’t know about this new threat. One thing we do know is that it was his group leaving the spray-painted flags behind at communities they had presumably conquered and scavenged.
We also know that he doesn’t seem concerned about Madison’s ability to defend herself. Planting a mole on the inside of the diamond provided him with all of the intel he needed for his intimidation campaign. As Madison stood defiantly, Mel calmly asserted that he has heard the same defensive rhetoric hundreds of times. He and his caravan would simply wait and take what they want after they’re all dead. Like vultures.
In the present, Alicia, Nick, Luciana, and Strand are ambushing vehicles and searching for answers. We don’t know how things unfolded, but it’s safe to assume that the days in the diamond are over and the Vultures are part of it.
1. Alicia

Alicia’s evolution from naive teenager to capable leader began shortly after her badly conceived romance-at-sea in Season 2. After killing Andrés at the hotel in Mexico (to save Travis), she officially started down her dark path.
Season 3 would test her even further. Alicia would bear witness to Travis’ tragic plunge from the helicopter. Later, she would have to orchestrate the euthanization residents of the ranch who had been bitten by walkers.
While extreme, Alicia’s transformation is not unique to the new world. People are forced to adapt to doing horrible things or they simply don’t survive. Madison earned a reputation as a hardened leader, willing to do anything to keep her family alive. Alicia now appears to be the one in charge and the one who is willing. After Nick discovered a spray-painted flag in the back of the truck, she accused Althea, John, and Morgan of being Vultures. We know the Vultures did something and Alicia hates them for it. That should make anyone who gets in her way very afraid.
Next: Talking Dead guests for Fear the Walking Dead 403
Find out who to fear next week by watching Episode 403: “Good Out Here” on AMC, Sunday at 9 PM EDT!