June has settled in with the other survivors of Fear the Walking Dead, but her true origin remains a mystery as we look ahead to Season 4B.
In the beginning, we knew her as Naomi. Alicia and Madison stumbled across her at an abandoned community site, overrun with walkers. Their meeting was entirely coincidental. Madison was searching beyond the Stadium’s “safe zone” for Charlie’s parents while Naomi was hiding there.
Eventually, she would join the Stadium community until it finally fell. Her unusual actions, however, suggested she never actually wanted to be there. On one hand, she saw a role for herself helping those who had helped her.
Her ICU experience would be considered indispensable to a growing community low on professional medical expertise. On the other hand, she had a personal history to hide and feared it would catch up to her someday.

The first half of Season 4 unearthed a fragmented timeline for June. We initially came to know her as the wandering “Naomi”. The story from her previous alias Laura though, suggests a long history on the run.
John Dorie spent the better part of a year trying to find his beloved Laura. Laura had arrived at his cabin (a year earlier) under peculiar circumstances. Badly injured and in need of medical assistance, she was fortunate that John found her.
During her recovery from the safety of his cabin, she revealed little about her past and was intent on continuing her journey alone as soon as possible. And she did. Laura would soon leave John behind to start the next chapter of her story at the Stadium.
Who is “June”?
We don’t know a lot about June’s life before she met John. Somewhere along the way, June lost her daughter, Rose. According to her, they were sheltering at a FEMA camp and tragically, Rose succumbed to an illness. When she turned, she infected the others and the resulting outbreak decimated the community.
If this is true, it could partially explain why she has been running from her past. When she disclosed these painful details to Strand and Madison, she revealed that she had been carrying a heavy burden of guilt for what had happened. After a string of suspicious behavior at the Stadium, June would try to make things right by providing salvaged supplies from the FEMA shelter. When the Vultures returned though, it wouldn’t matter.

In the confusion that followed the Vultures attack, June disappeared. Alicia declared her dead and later, deemed her a traitor when she showed up at a Vultures’ rendezvous. Given June’s history of trying to flee in secret, it’s not surprising that Alicia would have assumed that she was somehow collaborating with the enemy. Their group had been infiltrated before and June was hiding enough about herself to arouse plenty of suspicions. After the final confrontation with the Vultures though, some of the questions surrounding the fall of the Stadium would be answered and June’s motives would become more clear.
Yes, she had joined the Vultures, but only out of necessity. The tragedy at the stadium claimed most of the community and the Vultures invited her in when she seemed to have nowhere else to go.
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What’s next?
In the midseason finale, June explained that when the Stadium was in danger, she tried to keep those who fled from running and, like Madison, believed it was secure. She had her doubts in the beginning but June grew to trust Madison and seemed to be settling into the community.

In the Episode 9 teaser, June is with the remaining survivors and it’s likely she will be staying with them. While the midseason finale didn’t fully address her status with John, it was no secret that they still had strong feelings for one another.
The trailer suggests some time has passed. Morgan is no longer limping on his injured leg and John appears to have made a full recovery from his gunshot wound. We don’t actually see June and John interacting in the trailer but they are together. Whether that time that has passed has allowed their relationship to grow remains to be seen. Viewers were hopeful for a reunion in the first half, and while they got their wish, the near-fatal consequences weren’t exactly what everyone had in mind.
Next: Will Daniel be in FearTWD season 4B?
June has a lot more of her story to tell on the B-side of Season 4. Like Strand, she now understands that things she did are things she had to do. It looks like June is done running and could be ready to live her new life as herself.
Fear the Walking Dead returns to AMC on Sunday, August 12.