The good and bad from The Walking Dead issue 184: Eugene Tinkers

Michonne and the judge - The Walking Dead issue 184 - Image Comics and Skybound
Michonne and the judge - The Walking Dead issue 184 - Image Comics and Skybound /

What were the good, bad, and interesting things from issue 184 of The Walking Dead comics titled “Eugene Tinkers” which was released on Oct. 3, 2018?

Issue 194 of The Walking Dead comics brought several stories forward by continuing the plot of The Commonwealth hosting Rick and some people from Alexandria to observe their community, only to arrive and find a riot in the street.

With everything that happened, there were some big developments for many characters that should be addressed and will change the direction of the overall story going forward, some good and some not so great.

Let’s take a look at the good, bad, and interesting from the issue titled “Eugene Tinkers” starting with the good stuff from the October 2018 issue of The Walking Dead! However, it is highly advised that you have read the comic or the recap before reading more!

light. Related Story. Everything that happened in TWD 184

The Good Stuff

  1. Leadership by example. It’s great that Rick is so willing to pitch in for a different community and show that being in power doesn’t mean having a cushy life. His way of inspiring Pamela is already something new and amazing to The Commonwealth and the citizens respect him for it.
  2. Michonne’s love. Reuniting with Elodie has given a softer side to Michonne that hasn’t really been seen since she was with Ezekiel. And her desire to live like she once did is admirable, even if it means compromising her ethics a bit.
  3. Choo-choo! Eugene wants to get the train going to provide transportation between the communities and enhance trade. Stephanie was skeptical, but she might be too smitten to raise any real objections.

The Bad Things

  1. Wow, Sebastian. I am not sure how Sebastian could be any worse of a human being. His attitude toward anything is extremely self-centered and he has absolutely no desire to help anyone except himself. What will he do when he needs help and nobody is willing to do anything?
  2. Being Frank. Rick may not like the idea of Dwight staying behind at The Commonwealth to try to liberate the people there, but the way he responded to someone who already has a rocky relationship with him is not cool at all.
  3. We want out! Rick should be listening to the common people of The Commonwealth when they ask if his group is accepting people. The fact they barely know Rick and his people and are showing interest in leaving says more than anything the leadership wants to show.

Interesting Stuff

  1. Princess and Mercer. These two aren’t wasting any time. The two are a pretty adorable couple considering he doesn’t do much talking and she is a world-class chatterbox. Still, seeing them together is amazing and they could be one of my new favorite couples!
  2. Mercer’s redemption. He may have been part of the group who beat a man to death, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t human. Mercer jumped on top of Michonne as she was getting a beatdown that may have resulted in her death…and readers don’t know his status going forward.
  3. Trouble in the Commonwealth. Things didn’t go well when Pamela Milton left The Commonwealth and now she may have to find someone new to trust when she can’t be there. But who should that individual be?

Overall Impression

As a whole, this was a bit of a surprising issue for some reasons and a bit bland in other respects.

The comic continued to hammer home the class structure of The Commonwealth as well as how awful Sebastian is while only taking a small dip into the world of Law and Order: TWD.

But there was a ton to love as well. The relationship between Mercer and Princess should be an amazing one to watch going forward and the tough duo could be a new power couple. But another power couple, Tara and Dwight, seem to be falling far out of grace.

Seeing a softer side of Pamela brings hope that she can change the way things are done at The Commonwealth and there can be a great relationship between the two communities. But whenever there seems to be too much hope, that’s when those bad things happen to crush everyone’s positivity.


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What did you think of The Walking Dead issue 184? Did “Eugene Tinkers” meet your standards or did it fall short? And what do you think will happen between Dwight and Rick going forward? Let us know what you think in the comments section!