Take a look at three panels from issue 185 of The Walking Dead comics titled “On Guard” which will be released on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018.
The Walking Dead is at a key point in the comic book series right now. Despite some internal conflict, the survivors need to determine whether or not the people from The Commonwealth can become good friends or if there is something devious being planned.
Issue 185 looks like it may be a turning point in several storylines and fans concerned about the fate of their favorite survivors in the zombie apocalypse may want to pay attention to what is happening in the Nov. 2018 installment of the comics.
Skybound released this look at three panels from issue 185 of The Walking Dead comics and the preview should have viewers concerned.

In the first panel, the gates of Alexandria are shown. There is a guard standing on the wall observing with their hands on their hips. It looks as though there is something in the road leading up to the community, but it is difficult to tell what it is.
Next, Carl is looking a bit shocked while in the hallway of the house. Lydia is awake as well, and questions him as to why he up at this time of the morning. Considering the title of the issue, it sounds like everyone needs to be on their toes this issue.
Finally, the showdown between Rick and Dwight from the end of last week’s issue is continued. The two definitely have a lot they need to work out if they want to coexist, but the question of whether or not they will be able to has to be asked.
What do you think of these panels from the Nov. 2018 issue of The Walking Dead? And what about them makes you the most concerned about issue 185? Let us know in the comments section!