WATCH: Tekken 7 gameplay reveal trailer for Negan of The Walking Dead

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan; group - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 11 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan; group - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 11 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Negan has terrorized the world of The Walking Dead for several seasons and soon he will bring his violence and wit to gamers everywhere in Tekken 7.

Back in August, it was teased that Negan from AMC’s The Walking Dead would be joining the playable characters in the video game Tekken 7 as part of the second season of downloadable content.

Now that the first eight episodes from season 9 are in the books, fans can turn their attention to the upcoming release of the former leader of The Saviors to create turmoil in the online gaming world.

A new gameplay reveal trailer has been released and fans of Tekken, as well as The Walking Dead, are going to want to check out this entertaining video shared by Gamespot:

It’s very amusing that they chose to recreate the lineup scene from the season 7 premiere to create the reveal trailer for Negan’s arrival.

All the classic moments from that scene are included, including Eenie Meanie Miney Moe, taking it “like a champ”, the unruly punch that was seriously not cool, and, of course, the trip to pee-pants city.

While the excellently crafted cutscenes and voiceovers from Jeffrey Dean Morgan are a lot of fun, the real reason for this video was to showcase the way Negan can be used in the game and what his combat will look like.

Negan is wielding his powerful barbed-wire baseball bat named Lucille and it has been implemented for use in many of his special moves, including what appears to be a mind-blowing special attack!

At this time, there is no announced date for when Negan will be available for download as part of the game’s second season. However, fans of AMC’s The Walking Dead and Tekken will want to keep a close eye on when he will finally make his arrival on consoles and PC.