Details on Volume 31 of The Walking Dead comics: The Rotten Core

The Walking Dead issue 182 - Image Comics and Skybound
The Walking Dead issue 182 - Image Comics and Skybound /

Skybound and Image Comics have released some detailed on the future release of Volume 31 of The Walking Dead comics titled The Rotten Core.

There are many ways readers of The Walking Dead comic books can take in the action and drama included within the pages of each issue. Some read individual issues digitally of physically while others wait for compilations of issues, such as volumes or compendiums.

The next volume to be released of the zombie survival story will be Volume 31, and fans recently got some teases about the upcoming collection on the official website of Skybound’s The Walking Dead.

First, take a look at the cover of Volume 31 which features some great artwork from Charlie Adlard and Dave Stewart:

Volume 31 of The Walking Dead comics - Image Comics and Skybound
Volume 31 of The Walking Dead comics – Image Comics and Skybound /

The artwork on the cover matches up with previous volumes of the comics, with similar lettering and design but different color schemes, characters, and walkers featured. Still, it’s great to see the tradition continue while staying unique and interesting.

From the look of the cover, Volume 31 will feature the soldiers of The Commonwealth attempting to maintain order with shields and weapons while the people in the streets have gathered.

Here is the other information that is known about the upcoming release:

  • Volume number: 31
  • Volume Title: The Rotten Core
  • Included issues: #181-186
  • Release Date: March 6, 2019
  • Volume synopsis: “Rick leads the Commonwealth’s Governor, Pamela Milton, on a tour of the various communities Alexandria is aligned with. Naturally… terrible things begin to happen very quickly.”
  • Length: 136 pages
  • Format: Black and white
  • Rating: Mature
  • Suggested retail price: $16.99 US
  • Story by: Robert Kirkman
  • Artwork from: Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, and Cliff Rathburn

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Don’t miss Volume 31 of The Walking Dead comics titled The Rotten Core when it is released on March 6, 2019 to get all caught up on issues 181-186 of the popular Image Comics and Skybound publication.