Take a look at the cover for issue 191 of The Walking Dead comic book series titled “The Last Stand” before it is released in May of 2019.
With everything breaking down at the Commonwealth in The Walking Dead comics and its future up in the air, the survivors from Alexandria and the Hilltop are not only in a huge amount of danger but they also have to worry about the lives of many people trying to survive under the community’s government.
While May 1, 2019 is still quite a distance away, the cover for issue 191 of the comics titled “The Last Stand” has been released and it shows even more of the chaos that fans can expect from the series going forward.
Take a look at the cover art for issue 191 of The Walking Dead as shared on the official website of Image Comics:

The cover for the issue is quite simple. Two sides are facing off at the Commonwealth and chaos is about to happen. Michonne, Elodie, Eugene, Mercer, Stephanie, Pamela, and others are in the background divided while a silhouette of Rick Grimes is prominently featured in the middle.
One of the biggest questions is if the division featured on the cover is an actual representation of where the allegiances are. That means Michonne will agree with Elodie and side against the Commonwealth and Stephanie will be on the opposite side of the battle as Eugene.
Even more disturbing is the description of the issue, which pretty much confirms that the stuff is going to hit the fan in this issue.
"“Words are spoken. Alliances are broken. All the trouble that’s been brewing in the Commonwealth finally comes to a head.”"
Don’t miss issue 191 of The Walking Dead comic when it is released on May 1, 2019 to find out what is next for the survivors as well as the Commonwealth! For now, let us know what you think of the cover in the comments section!