Cover analysis of The Walking Dead comic issue 192: Aftermath

The Walking Dead comic logo - Image Comics and Skybound
The Walking Dead comic logo - Image Comics and Skybound /

Take a look at the cover for issue 192 of The Walking Dead comic book series titled “Aftermath” which will be released in June 2019.

Things have been heating up at the Commonwealth and the future of many survivors, both old and new, are hanging in the balance as the story unfolds in The Walking Dead comic book series from Skybound and Image Comics.

Recently, Charlie Adlard, cover artist for The Walking Dead comics, shared an image on his Facebook page teasing the cover of issue 192, which will be released digitally and in print on June 5, 2019.

Here is a look at the cover:

Carl Grimes - The Walking Dead issue 912 cover - Image Comics and Skybound
Carl Grimes – The Walking Dead issue 912 cover – Image Comics and Skybound /

Without knowing what will happen in the April and May issues, it appears as though the walkers who had Eugene and Stephanie trapped won’t be shaken and will make their way to the Commonwealth to do some damage when they follow the duo.

The fact that Carl is the man standing in the middle of the street surrounded by the downed zombies should be noted. With a pistol in his hand and a look of concern in his eye, there doesn’t look to be another living thing in sight.

The contrast between the lovely sky, Carl, and the bodies of the undead strewn across the streets with so much damage to the buildings makes this one of the most visually appealing covers the comics have released in quite a while.

Here is the information accompanying the cover:

  • Story by Robert Kirkman
  • Art by Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, and Cliff Rathburn
  • Cover art by Charlie Adlard and Dave Stewart
  • Release date: June 5, 2019
  • Issue length: 32 pages
  • Issue rating: Mature
  • Suggested price: $3.99

The issue title and synopsis should be a bit scary though:

  • Title: “Aftermath”
  • Synopsis: “Carl fights for the Commonwealth… but against WHO?”

It can be assumed that the “who” in this situation is the walker horde, but it could also be Tara and the renegade soldiers or even those loyal to the Commonwealth who see the group as a threat. Either way, it will be nice to see Carl getting in the action!

Next. Cover analysis of TWD issue 191. dark

What do you think of the cover art for issue 192 of The Walking Dead comics? Is it visually appealing to you? And does it worry you about the future of the Commonwealth? Let us know in the comments.