Compendium 4 of The Walking Dead comics now has a release date and a cover image and the book will cover many big events from the comic book series.
The Compendiums are always a great source of enjoyment from comic book readers. The collection of multiple issues of The Walking Dead is the equivalent of binge-watching seasons of your favorite television show and can cover a wide variety of emotions including triumph, defeat, pain, elation, and much more.
Recently, Skybound announced the cover art, release date, and specific issues including in Compendium 4 on their official website. Plus, some additional information about the upcoming release proves to be interesting.
First, let’s take a look at the cover art which features a good mix of new and old characters from the series along with a chilling mirrored image:

It’s nice to see original characters featured on the cover. Rick and Carl Grimes both played major roles in the recent storylines but seeing the newer individuals in Princess, Mercer, and Pamela Milton there as well creates a nice balance and teases the content as well. On the bottom of the cover, zombified versions on the characters are mirrored, giving a frightening tease of what the future may hold.
Compendium 4 will feature issues 145-192 of the series, covering everything following the events of the Whisperers’ border wall and leading right up to the events of Sebastian Milton taking situations into his own hands, making this a SUPERSIZED Compendium spanning over ONE THOUSAND pages.
Considering what happened in issue 192 of the comics, it’s no surprise that it’s the best place to stop for the collection. Fans should keep in mind just how powerful that issue is as well as the other losses and major moments that will be featured in Compendium 4.
The softcover version of The Walking Dead Compendium 4 will be released on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019 wherever comic book collections are sold. And, if you want to be sure to get your hands on a copy, you could preorder through your local comic shop or on Amazon!