7) In a sign of how much things have truly changed between the communities since the festival (And the horrific aftermath), Earl and Alden immediately notice when the Alexandrians bring a new person, Mary, into Hilltop.
8) The phrase which Carol says to Ezekiel when he attempts to brush off her concerns about his health, “Never bullshit a bullshitter”, is the exact same thing Ezekiel said to her when Carol attempted to trick him with her “den mother” persona back in Season Seven’s “The Well”.
9) The horde of rats preceding the Whisperers’ approach is, I think, the first time we’ve seen animals flee the walkers en masse in this fashion in the series.
10) It’s ironic that one of the lyrics Eugene should sing to Stephanie is “…That the world as we know it will be coming to an end.” considering the fact that the Whisperers’ mantra is “We are the end of the world”.
11) During the “preparing for war” montage, Judith calls out to “Daito” over the radio. Who is that?
12) While Stephanie sets the meeting with Eugene at the Charleston, West Virginia, rail yard, Charleston is over two hundred miles away from Alexandria, meaning that (If Eugene’s estimation about the range from which Stephanie could have seen the satellite is correct), she can’t be from there, and has to be from somewhere closer.