Fear The Walking Dead Theory: Morgan is IMMUNE.

ByLiam O'Leary|
Fear the Walking Dead season six key art. Image Courtesy AMC
Fear the Walking Dead season six key art. Image Courtesy AMC
Maggie Grace as Althea, Lennie James as Morgan Jones – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 14 – Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
Maggie Grace as Althea, Lennie James as Morgan Jones – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 14 – Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC

I may be wrong, but, in season six of Fear The Walking Dead…is Morgan IMMUNE?

“I don’t die.”

These were Morgan’s words to Freddie as he prepared to go into battle against the Saviors at Simon’s satellite outpost in The Walking Dead season eight episode, “The Damned”. I think he meant that as it was his burden to carry on in the apocalypse, but, after watching more and more of the Fear The Walking Dead season six trailers, I’m starting to wonder if that statement was more literal than it was meant to be.

Why?  Well, knowing the situation Morgan was in when we left off at the end of season five, the fact that he is clearly still alive in season six (The latest trailer confirms this), and the continued image of Morgan with red eyes (Yet, not appearing to be a walker) has led me to one conclusion…

Fear The Walking Dead Theory: Morgan is immune.

Now, I’ll fully admit, I tackled this idea a little bit last month, but, the more trailers for season six that I see, the more convinced I’ve become. For me, this is no longer a “mini” theory, but a full-blown one, and, one that deserves a full explanation.

Shane Walsh (Jon Bernthal) – The Walking Dead – Season 2, Episode 12 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Shane Walsh (Jon Bernthal) – The Walking Dead – Season 2, Episode 12 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

First, let’s look at what we know about Morgan in season six, and what we know about people who’ve turned in The Walking Dead universe:

1) The people we’ve seen who’ve turned (Amy, Shane, Hershel’s head, Siddiq, etc.) don’t…react to turning. Shane, for example, just got back up and tried to attack Rick. Morgan, however, as we see in the first trailers, stirs, like someone shook him in the middle of a sound sleep. We’ve never seen twitching or any sort of erratic movements from those turning, which places Morgan’s behavior far more likely in the realm of the living, rather than the dead.

2) As we see in the first couple trailers, Morgan’s eyes are bright red. Look at the picture of Shane above, his eyes, only seconds after turning, have become hazy, and the color dulled. Amy was similar. So was Hershel. This suggests that whatever has happened to Morgan, he hasn’t turned.

3) From what we hear (And now see) in the trailers, Morgan is, at least for a little while, alive, this means that, in spite of the severely injured state he was left in, Morgan survived being shot and swarmed by walkers. While it’s possible Morgan managed to escape unscathed, with how injured he was, I find that unlikely, and yet, Morgan is clearly (For at least part of the season) alive.

Now, I know that the idea of someone being immune to the zombie virus (And, let’s not forget, as we learned from Dr. Jenner way back in season one of The Walking Dead, it is a virus) seems like fantastical, wishful thinking in a series which has been thoroughly grounded and thoroughly bleak, but…this isn’t the first time we’ve seen it.

Patrick (Vincent Martella) – The Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Gene Page
Patrick (Vincent Martella) – The Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Gene Page

Think back to season four of The Walking Dead. For much of the first half of that season, Rick’s group’s biggest threat wasn’t the walkers, or The Governor, but rather, the flu.

For at least a quarter of that season, a strain of the flu swept through the prison (And the surrounding areas) killing dozens, and wiping out at least one other community before finally being treated.

The reason I bring this up is, even with so many people falling victim to it, there were also plenty of people exposed to it who didn’t get infected: Tyreese (Who’s girlfriend, Karen, was one of the first cases at the prison), Hershel (Who’d been treating most of the infected, even getting blood coughed on him), Lizzie (Who was also exposed to several infected people, in fact, she was quarantined with the other flu victims), and Daryl and Bob (Both exposed to several people inside the prison and the college who’d been infected). If they were all exposed (And they were) and yet, neither they nor anyone else who survived the prison (Or joined the group after the prison’s fall) caught it during the flu outbreak in the prison nor while traveling with Sasha, Glenn, and Lizzie (All of whom got sick), then, clearly, some people were immune to that strain of the flu.

Lennie James as Morgan Jones – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 15 – Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
Lennie James as Morgan Jones – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 15 – Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC

My point? This is a clear indication that immunity to fatal diseases is not out of the question in The Walking Dead universe, and, if people can be immune to the flu (In spite of how lethal it was), then, why couldn’t they be immune the zombie virus?

I mean, if people didn’t develop immunities over the years, we wouldn’t even exist! Think about the black plague: It swept across Asia, the Middle East, and Europe in the 1300s and killed millions, including about a third of the population of Europe, yet, clearly, people survived. Sure, there were people who probably weren’t exposed, and others who recovered, but, with sooo many people infected, there had to have been a few people who developed an immunity to the virus, and, passed that down to their children, and so on. Is it so impossible to think that someone might have developed immunity to the zombie virus?

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that Morgan’s immortal, or that he’s impervious to a zombie ripping out his throat or something, all I’m suggesting is that, if Morgan were…bitten on the arm or something, that he would not turn into a zombie because of it.

Lennie James as Morgan Jones – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Lennie James as Morgan Jones – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC

Do I have a smoking gun to prove this definitively? …No. The simple fact is we don’t see Morgan get bitten at the end of season five or in the trailers for season six. However, when we see Morgan last, he’s been shot, is pretty much unable to move, and has about half a dozen walkers encroaching upon him with only feet separating them from him, I feel like it’s safe to assume that at least one got to Morgan.

After that, I go back to what we know, and, what we know is that, at some point this season, Morgan is still alive. We hear his voice-over in the first trailer, and, in the new one, we SEE HIM; Clearly, he survived the situation Virginia left him in. If we’re assuming that at least one of the walkers bit him (Which, I just said I was doing), and Morgan’s lasted long enough to grow the beard we see him with in the trailer (On a side note: Throughout Morgan’s long walk across the country at the beginning of season four, we do NOT see him grow that beard. Even when he was in Crazytown in his flashback episode form season six of The Walking Dead, he didn’t have that beard, so, I think it’s safe to assume it’s new), he must have survived being bitten, and, the only way he could have done that is if he was immune to the effects of a walker bite.

Soooo, if this true…what does it MEAN?

What this means is, Morgan could, if you found someone with the skills and the means to do it, become the foundation for a cure for the zombie virus. It probably won’t destroy the walkers, it probably won’t prevent someone from turning when they died from some other cause (Though, it’s possible), but, what I imagine it would do is make it so that walker bites were no longer fatal, and, since they’re the primary way people get infected, it could completely change the game in terms of surviving the zombie apocalypse.

Will this happen? Highly unlikely. I mean, it’s not like there’s any group operating in Texas that’s big enough, secure enough, or with enough means at their disposal to try to utilize this potential game-changer Morgan has coursing through his veins, so, I can’t imagine…

Julia Ormond as Elizabeth – The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1 – Photo Credit: Zach Dilgard/AMC
Julia Ormond as Elizabeth – The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1 – Photo Credit: Zach Dilgard/AMC


There may not be such a group in Texas, but, Althea may have found one outside of Texas. A group with enough well-trained armed soldiers at their disposal that they can not only afford to lose one, but afford to eliminate any others who might even mention their existence to someone else, i.e. a group big enough to defend the sort of place needed to unlock the potential Morgan carries; A group that has the medical capability to keep Rick alive after sustaining a grievous wound, an explosion, and being washed down a nearby river, just the kind capabilities necessary to utilize Morgan’s potential; And, a group that has the manpower to fly people all over the country collecting new members and leaving supply dumps, the kind of manpower and means needed to ensure that those medical personnel have the time required to do all the work that unlocking Morgan’s potential would entail: The CRM.

Huh…maybe this isn’t so crazy after all.

But, what do you guys think? Do you think Morgan is still alive in season six of Fear The Walking Dead? Are what we’re seeing in the trailers just flashbacks? Do you think Morgan just got lucky, and escaped that perilous situation he was left in at the end of last season? …Or, do you think like I do, and believe that Morgan might just be the first person we’ve seen in The Walking Dead universe who is immune to the zombie virus? Let me know? I’m curious! And, if you want to hear my theories on how to survive a zombie apocalypse in the real world, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also find it at Amazon here, and on iTunes here!