Firepower #3 reveals that danger might be closer than the Johnson family realizes
Before hopping into the meat and bones of the story that Firepower #3 holds, one thing can not be glossed over. The art and vibrant colors that this series holds are absolutely incredible. The covers are stunning and eye-catching and from start to finish readers find themselves lost in the work of Chris Samnee, Matt Wilson, and Rus Wooten.
This issue written by Robert Kirkman answers some questions while raising even more questions than before. I have still yet to read the prelude, but I will be grabbing it before issue #4 is released next month, I’m sure that will very much help my understanding of flashbacks and give insight to some characters shown in issue #3.
One question that is seemingly answered in Firepower #3 is if the kids know what their father is capable of, and it appears they do not. In a fun interaction, Owen Johnson is teaching his children self-defense techniques in their backyard. When asked why they were having to learn and practice, his daughter asks if her mom had arrested a crime boss and if they were in trouble. Owen dismisses this, saying it’s just useful to know.
During teaching his children, his son and daughter ask if they can both come at him full force. Owen amusingly agrees to this and when they try he easily thwarts their attempts sending them both to the ground. As soon as he does this, his wife pops into the backyard playfully defending her children. This entire interaction is very wholesome and showcases a lovely family.
The biggest surprise in this issue is that readers discover danger has been in plain sight after all. This family was stalked and Owen was attacked in the previous issue, so readers know what the group after him is capable of, however what was not expected is that someone on the police force has been a spy all along!
While I am not 100% sure as his name wasn’t spoken in this comic, it appears Reggie, Kellie’s partner isn’t a good guy after all. At the very least someone on the force is working for the people after Owen. This leaves readers with an even bigger cliffhanger than the previous issue.
Lastly, something worth noting is the letters portion of this book. One of the last questions asked is how long is Firepower going to be around, to which fans get a vague answer. It seems Sean Mackiewicz and Robert Kirkman know around how long Firepower will be released. Sean states not as long as Invincible or The Walking Dead, however, Kirkman states there is a number of years to come. Good news for fans!
Have you started to read the Firepower comic series yet? What do you think of the vibrant art this series has? Tweet me your thoughts @Mamadeadhead