If you weren’t reading TWD comics, The Walking Dead Deluxe is your chance
Full disclosure here, friends: I’ve never read The Walking Dead comics. Yeah, I know, that sounds really weird considering what I do for a living, but Undead Walking has always had comics guru Adam Carlson covering The Walking Dead comics so I deferred to him so I could watch the show with an unspoiled perspective. Now, though, The Walking Dead Deluxe offers a chance for fans to follow along with all of the excitement from the very beginning.
There’s nothing like having something to look forward to, and Robert Kirkman has created something to look forward to with the release of TWD comics in full color along with some bonus features – new Letter Hacks and the all-new Cutting Room Floor feature – that make the reissue of the original issues even better.
And unlike the original issues, which were collected into trade paperbacks and omnibus editions, The Walking Dead Deluxe issues will never be collected so the only way to enjoy them is by reading them when they come out each month. (Per Kirkman’s message in the Letter Hacks, that means “a fun 8-year adventure”)
I have to say that going to my local comic shop and buying The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 was fun. First issues are always fun, but as such a huge TWD fan who missed out on the beginning of the comic series this was just as fun. I could see which of the many covers were popular and buy the ones I wanted.
(Spoiler: I bought all of them, just because it’s the first issue and my comic shop could use the extra boost)
My comic shop is awesome. They weren't sure which #TWD Deluxe covers I wanted so they pulled them all for me...so since it is a #1 I bought them all. @TheWalkingDead @Skybound pic.twitter.com/jh7O40Kk6z
— Sarabeth Pollock (@SarabethPollock) October 8, 2020
I’ve actually read the first volume of The Walking Dead comics which includes issues #1-6, but seeing the art in full color with Rus Wooten’s letters is a real treat so even if you have read the series already there is something in The Walking Dead Deluxe for everyone.
Are you reading The Walking Dead Deluxe? What did you think of the first issue? Let us know in the comments!