Fans of The Walking Dead comic have long waited for the appearance of Princess. Fans were concerned about who would be cast to play her, but everyone is pleased with Paola Lázaro’s take on the iconic character from all accounts.
In the comics, Princess is a wild, talkative person who hadn’t seen another human being for over a year. She had a unique sense of style, even in an apocalypse. She met Eugene, Michonne and others who were on their way to Ohio. Princess travels with them to Ohio and then returns to Alexandria, where she becomes a fixture.
Will the series mirror the comics with this character? You never can tell. But, she is definitely a character worth learning more about. She was welcoming to Eugene (Josh McDermitt), Yumiko (Eleanor Matsuura) and Ezekiel (Khary Payton), which isn’t a typical reaction when they meet new people. In this world, people are usually leery of strangers.
The last we saw of this group, they were on their way to meet up with Eugune’s radio contact. Then they were surrounded and captured by what everyone thinks are soldiers from the Commonwealth.
What is in store for Princess in the bonus episode of season 10?
In the table read for the episode “Splinter,” which will be centered around Eugene, Yumiko, Ezekiel and Princess, we realize they are all in danger. They are locked in train cars, and we learn that Princess believes Yumiko is badly injured.
Will they run from this group that could possibly give the aid the communities need so desperately at this time?
The official synopsis for this episode states that Princess tries to deal with traumatic memories from her past. What will we learn about this character?
“Splinter” is set to air on March 21 on AMC. Hopefully, we get to see how our group gets out of the mess they find themselves in and learn more about Princess.
AMC will release “Home Sweet Home,” the first episode of season 10c of The Walking Dead, on February 28.