The Walking Dead: Are the Reapers getting closer to Alexandria?

Ross Marquand as Aaron, Seth Gilliam as Gabriel - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 19 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
Ross Marquand as Aaron, Seth Gilliam as Gabriel - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 19 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC

The Walking Dead introduced us to a new threat, the Reapers, in the Maggie-centric episode “Home Sweet Home.” We learn that this group destroyed the last village Maggie lived in, and we saw their destruction of the temporary shelter for the group Maggie brought with her.

There was also the man who attacked the group in the woods. He told Maggie that “Pope marked you.” Of course, this makes us wonder who Pope is, and many, myself included, thought that Mays, from “One More,” could possibly be Pope. It was neither confirmed nor denied, but he is dead, so it really doesn’t matter.

The man who attacked Maggie, Daryl and the others in the woods was well trained in camouflage and combat. He also refused to give up his name or any other information, giving off a very militant vibe.

The Reapers seem to be a well-organized group with well-trained members. There is also speculation that Leah, from “Find Me,” could be a member of this group. 

Seth Gilliam as Gabriel – The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 19 – Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
Seth Gilliam as Gabriel – The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 19 – Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC

Did “One More” give us more clues to the Reapers coming closer to Alexandria?

During Aaron and Gabriel’s supply run, they came upon a burnt-out house. On the map that Maggie gave them, the notes for this spot said “Two-story house,” but there was only a partial wall and front door left of this structure.

Outside of this house, three skeletons were lying together. The bodies were burned, and flowers were growing over them. It was a macabre scene. This looks very similar to what was done to Maggie’s group’s temporary shelter in the earlier episode. Could this be the Reapers MO?

That brings the thought of how far Aaron and Gabriel traveled from Alexandria. We know they have been out for at least two weeks, but we don’t know how far away they are when they find this burnt structure. If the Reapers are as awful as they are being portrayed, Alexandria could be their next target.

Alexandria is trying to rebuild after the destruction it sustained during the Whisperer war. If another attack comes, it could mean the end of this community.

It will be interesting to see what part the Reapers will play in season eleven.

The Walking Dead airs on Sundays on AMC at 9 pm EST. AMC+ members can stream the current episode on Thursdays before the Sunday airing on AMC.