25 best cities for surviving a zombie apocalypse

walkers - The Walking Dead - AMC
walkers - The Walking Dead - AMC /
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Duluth, Minnesota. (Photo by Jeff Schear/Getty Images for Catalyst Content Festival) /

Duluth, MN

In 2017 Realtor.com did a study on which cities were the best and worst to be in during the events of a catastrophic outbreak followed by an invasion of zombies. Duluth, Minnesota, was one of the places to earn a spot in the top ten for both surviving a nuclear crisis and an apocalypse involving hordes of undead threats like the one’s seen in each entry of the hit series Fear the Walking Dead.

The criteria for their findings that indicate the people of Duluth are safe from the danger of the living dead consisted of several factors, including home listings with sources for drinking water like wells or lakes and places with safe rooms.

As far as what else sealed the deal for the Minnesota city, in case the grid gets shut down, it also looked into the solar panels and hydroelectric power situation of the surrounding area. Healthcare workers, law enforcement, and federal government employees, all of which are helpful during any crisis, were also taken into consideration. Tracking the ability to stockpile weapons and landmass covered by freshwater were also part of the assessment, which all favored well for Duluth, proving even more so its capabilities during such an ordeal.

Of the 200 largest U.S. Metro areas, the site considered Duluth, Minnesota to be one that stood out amongst the rest as one of the safest places to be, should there ever be a massive zombie emergency.