This week’s episode of The Walking Dead, “On the Inside,” is directed by Greg Nicotero and written by Kevin Deiboldt. If you haven’t watched it yet, be prepared for greatness. This week also marked the premiere of Nicotero’s Creepshow series’ third season on Shudder. He shared a great little video mashup of these two fandoms on his Instagram page.
You can see the video below of a group of walkers milling about while reading Creepshow. His caption reads, “What could this be? The ultimate mashup? Of course, zombies read Creepshow.” Then he proceeds to plug both Creepshow and The Walking Dead series.
He also praises Norman Reedus, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Angel Theory, Lauren Ridloff, Kevin Carroll, Nadia Hilker and Lynn Collins for their work in this week’s episode. Also stating that they have the hardest working cast and brilliant crew.
The Walking Dead On the Inside directed by Greg Nicotero
This week’s episode is one that will be a favorite of many fans. The storyline featuring Connie (Ridloff) and Virgil (Carroll) is straight-up horror. The attention to detail to ensure that this episode looked and felt like an actual horror film is remarkable.
The house most assuredly looks like a haunted house with creepy historical family photos on the walls, complete with eyes scrapped off. The traditional horror film bathroom that is utterly disgusting. Connie bravely looks in the mirror; she obviously has never seen Candyman.
The lighting, sound and cinematography make you forget you are watching an episode of The Walking Dead. I wish there was a seamless cut of Connie and Virgil’s scenes, as it would really kick up the horror factor.
Season 11 of The Walking Dead has been killing it, and I am so pleased we are getting fantastic content for the final season. We only have three episodes left in 2021. I can’t wait to see what 2022 will bring us!
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